Author Topic: Extracting data from trigger  (Read 5688 times)

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Extracting data from trigger
« on: 14 Dec 2016, 03:11 »

I have a very simple question. Currently, I am trying to make a trigger that would not bet on anything but would only help me identify certain markets, volume changes etc.

I am using the alert feature and I get the alert when certain conditions are met, however, I do not know how to obtain the values that are read out by the program. Logs only tell me whether condition is met or not but I would like to get all those numbers. For example, if my condition is "if back_amount is greater than lay_amount" I would like the program to inform me what the back_amount and the lay_amount were when the trigger fired.

Thank you!


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Re: Extracting data from trigger
« Reply #1 on: 14 Dec 2016, 07:17 »
Tick this setting:
Settings > Betting Options > Triggers > Log trigger expressions

you could also use a second trigger action in your alert trigger: write to action log. Enclose variables in square brackets. e.g. [back_amount]
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Re: Extracting data from trigger
« Reply #2 on: 14 Dec 2016, 11:37 »
Thank you Mark! I think I'll go with the second option. Is there any way to format the output in the action log?

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Re: Extracting data from trigger
« Reply #3 on: 14 Dec 2016, 14:07 »
I don't think you can format the log as such, but you could copy and paste the output into another app, or use the save as text button and play around with the text file.
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Re: Extracting data from trigger
« Reply #4 on: 14 Dec 2016, 14:53 »
Thank you Mark.

I hope you do not mind if I ask another quick question.

I would like my trigger to be able to detect whether there is any sudden change in volume in soccer markets. I have attached one screenshot of what I would like to be able to be notified about. I checked bm_laya(bm_backa) but it refers only to my bets. Do you have any easy solution in mind? Also, is it even possible to detect whether back bet was initially placed and was subsequently layed or the opposite case happened?

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Re: Extracting data from trigger
« Reply #5 on: 14 Dec 2016, 15:35 »
There was a similar topic recently related to traded volume in racing markets, here is the link:
perhaps you could adapt something similar.

If you are asking about detecting specific bets (not yours) in the market, I don't think that is possible, but you can monitor the money offered and waiting to be matched, at the best three back and lay prices. This is done per selection:
s_1_back_amount <--- amount offered at best back price on selection index 1
s_1_back_amount2 <--- amount offered at second best back price on selection index 1
s_1_back_amount3 <--- amount offered at third best back price on selection index 1
s_2_lay_amount <--- amount offered at best lay price on selection index 2
s_2_lay_amount2 <--- amount offered at second best lay price on selection index 2
s_2_lay_amount3 <--- amount offered at third best lay price on selection index 2

for example you could check the best back price for the away team (index 2 in MO markets) for a spike which would indicate lots of lay money coming in on that selection: s_2_back_amount is greater than x 


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Re: Extracting data from trigger
« Reply #6 on: 14 Dec 2016, 17:48 »
Thanks Mark. I have implemented the idea.

Unfortunately, the write to action log feature is probably not good enough. I tried monitoring about 20 markets at the same time and the alerts were all over the place, whereas action logs fade away quite quickly off the screen. Is it really the only way to extract some dynamics information from the program? What about excel? Can it assign a new row every time the trigger fires? Also, would it be hard to add some simple output terminal to the feeder in the future release?

Thank you

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Re: Extracting data from trigger
« Reply #7 on: 15 Dec 2016, 14:57 »
This trigger is an example of how to write data to consecutive Excel rows, perhaps it could be useful for you to adapt to your requirement.
In case you have not done so already, please just familiarise yourself with Betfair Terms & Conditions regarding collection and storage of their data, ideally you should place some bets with Betfair  :)
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Extracting data from trigger
« Reply #8 on: 16 Dec 2016, 01:26 »
This is exactly what I was looking for!!!

Thank you very much!!


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