Author Topic: feed-prices-to-excel trigger  (Read 4640 times)

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feed-prices-to-excel trigger
« on: 23 Apr 2018, 14:40 »
I downloaded the feed-prices-to-excel trigger and added it to my simple back bet trigger file.

My trigger simply backs horses taken from an imported text file of selections.

The feed-prices-to-excel trigger seems to only download and update the price of my selected horse in each race and leaves the other cells in horse_sheet empty.

Is this the way the trigger is supposed to operate?

I was hoping all the runners in the field would have their prices included as that would be useful for later private study and analysis.

Is there any way of getting the rest of the field?

Any assistance appreciated!

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Re: feed-prices-to-excel trigger
« Reply #1 on: 23 Apr 2018, 16:24 »

When you import selections for auto-trading, it makes all other selections literally invisible to triggers, no matter what the triggers are actually doing. That is why you only see the market data for your imported selections.

You can change your triggers in the following way.

1. In the import file, add the string "#all_active#" at the end of the file. 
2. Add 1 to the name of each horse you are importing, separated from the name with a tab character.

See the example file attached.

3. In the triggers, add a condition that will choose the right selection to bet on:

Selection's Trigger Expression imported_1

This way, the program does not ignore any selections like it does when importing without "#all_active#", so it will populate the Excel sheet with all selections' data, but will only bet on those included in the file.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: feed-prices-to-excel trigger
« Reply #2 on: 25 Apr 2018, 14:24 »

Using this trigger, I have included a column adjacent to the other two columns, initially all set to 0 value, using write to excel  horse_sheet!C(my_sidx+sel_index-1) 

If I manually give one of the selections a 1 value in this column,TrigHIT, I want the trigger to read the 1 and place a back bet.

I am not much good at excel, so can someone tell if I am on the right trace with

and Selections trig expression horse_sheet!C(my_sidx+sel_index-1) is greater than o

many thanks

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Re: feed-prices-to-excel trigger
« Reply #3 on: 25 Apr 2018, 14:52 »
Is my_sidx a variable from the original triggers?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: feed-prices-to-excel trigger
« Reply #4 on: 25 Apr 2018, 15:08 »
Yes Oxana I believe so. The trigger is the same as the standard version. I just added that column.

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Re: feed-prices-to-excel trigger
« Reply #5 on: 25 Apr 2018, 15:29 »
Hi Oxa!

Thank you very much for this information.

I have tested your method and it is working fine, your help is appreciated!

Is there any need to adjust my computer settings, for example screen saver or sleep mode, or will MFPro just keep working away firing triggers in the background?

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Re: feed-prices-to-excel trigger
« Reply #6 on: 27 Apr 2018, 11:16 »
LarpHager, that looks fine at the first glance.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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