Author Topic: filtering for "overs" games in football  (Read 5339 times)

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filtering for "overs" games in football
« on: 05 Dec 2015, 18:05 »
is there a simple way to filter for "overs" games so that the "unders" games are deleted just leaving the "overs" games i.e where the under 2.5 goals price just at the start of the match is above 2.0?
Iwas thinking something like

Action: delete market - if conditions are

selection's trigger expression football8_s_1back_price is equal or less than 2
and selection's trigger expression now-time is equal or less than event_off+(mf_minute*0)

not sure if correct though

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Re: filtering for "overs" games in football
« Reply #1 on: 05 Dec 2015, 18:26 »
just changed it to market status idle or suspended

selection's trigger expression football8_s_1back_price is equal or less than 2

seems to have done the trick

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Re: filtering for "overs" games in football
« Reply #2 on: 09 Dec 2015, 07:00 »
Hi bazzer,

Glad you sorted it out, just remember to put an underscore after the selection index:

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Re: filtering for "overs" games in football
« Reply #3 on: 09 Dec 2015, 16:34 »
it was working but now it seems to only be deleting the 2.5 goals market and leaving the match odds and 0.5 and 1.5 goals markets in place which i don't want
any ideas what to do

got it set for all market's selections

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Re: filtering for "overs" games in football
« Reply #4 on: 10 Dec 2015, 07:28 »
Do you need to initially have both 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5 goals in your list, or would it help if your markets were filtered out by Market Locator? If latter, then you can simply let Market Locator know that you only need markets whose name contains "2.5".
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: filtering for "overs" games in football
« Reply #5 on: 10 Dec 2015, 20:02 »
yeah need all markets in list
it seems to have righted itself so i'll see how it goes


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