  • #1 by rubold on 02 Jun 2013
  • I don't know how long I've noticed this, but MFPro never shows the previous horse race as Settled.  It goes straight from Suspended to Finished.  I also observed a few days ago that the winner was not declared on the Finished window and this resulted in pw_1_sel_index not being updated for the next event, for at least a whole day's racing.  Is it the case that the settled and finished market status mean the same?
  • #2 by allen555 on 03 Jun 2013
  • Hi rubolb
    try deleting old markets that have finished I found that if there are to many old markets
    it stops settling them I hat to create a trigger to delete them when settled 
  • #3 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 03 Jun 2013
  • Hi rubold,

    The "Settled" state always follows "Finished" and is only possible if the following conditions are met.

    In Real mode:

    - The market is Finished
    - If you placed at least one bet in it, you must have the "Account Statement" refresh activated, and the bets must be settled by BetFair.
    - If you did not place any bets in it, you must have the setting "Download results from BetFair where possible" on, and the results must arrive from, i.e. you must see the "WINNER" label.

    In Test mode:

    - The market is Finished
    - you must have the setting "Download results from BetFair where possible" on, and the results must arrive from, i.e. you must see the "WINNER" label.