  • #1 by Chris McNamara on 24 Sep 2017
  • Hi all,

    Anybody got recommendations or suggestions of their preferred way to manage a virtual bank on a per trigger file basis?  What I mean is, regardless of my real Betfair balance, if I set a strategy to go with a notional £500 bank and want to reinvest profits, what is the best way to achieve this, crucially IF I want the virtual balance to persist through restarts of the application? (Without using excel, ideally)
  • #2 by MarkV on 24 Sep 2017
  • Hi
    please have a read of this topic which may give you some help
    with thanks to mcbee who kindly posted a trigger towards the end of the topic which demonstrates a method to use multiple or virtual banks
  • #3 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 25 Sep 2017
  • Hello!

    Tou basically set up a constant and assign it the value of your virtual bank. Then you use this constant throughout your triggers as a reference for formulae. E.g. in the amount field of your laying trigger you would put:


    Where base_bank is your virtual bank, bet_size is the size of your bet in percentage of the virtual bank.