Author Topic: Win history (certain markets only)  (Read 4287 times)

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Win history (certain markets only)
« on: 25 Sep 2017, 11:17 »

Is it possible to calculate number of wins for certain markets only?

For example If I have statement history for football/soccer, tennis and horses, I'd like to know how many times I have won in horses since the last loss in horses.

The solution should work also after restart of the program.


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Re: Win history (certain markets only)
« Reply #1 on: 25 Sep 2017, 17:23 »
you can use sport-specific prefixes for the win/lose history variables

for your example: hr_wins will give you what you describe, but you will need to update a constant (and user variable of same name) and specify: remember last value, in order to carry the value over into a program restart.

win/lose history variable prefixes are:
hr_ : horse racing
gh_ : greyhounds
sc_ : soccer
tn_ : tennis
fn_ : financial
nr_ : non-race
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Re: Win history (certain markets only)
« Reply #2 on: 26 Sep 2017, 17:28 »
Thank you! :)


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