Author Topic: formula help  (Read 2624 times)

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formula help
« on: 27 Feb 2015, 18:08 »

Please check this formula takken from the green-up-unequal-profit.mft given as example from welldone

bm_backa*(1 + P*bm_backp - P)/(1 + P*lay_price - P)

If i'm not wrong it works only for the last matched bet. when i have more than one back bet how should the formula be written?
my trigger works betting on over 1.5FT markets. when there is a goal i want a lay bet to be placed making a freebet on the over 1.5HT. I thought that the formula used in this trigger could be the solution but it seems to work only for the last bet, the problem is that i have more than one back bet. Can it be changed for this purpose or is there a better way?

If this needs to become a trigger request i will ask for one, i'm asking first because i'm not sure. Thank you for helping me on this

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Re: formula help
« Reply #1 on: 28 Feb 2015, 21:12 »
The total back matched amount on a selection is back_matched. If you are wanting a freebet on Over in the same market you could use:
Amount: s_2_back_matched

If you are betting across OU 1.5FT and OU 1.5HT for the lay bet amount in HT:
Amount: football7_s_2_back_matched

Please use test mode when testing this.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: formula help
« Reply #2 on: 01 Mar 2015, 01:45 »
sorry, i wrote 1.5ht by mistake, s_2_back_matched is just what i wanted and it works!
Thank so mutch for your help, i just finished my first bot with your help, it's being fun learning marketfeeder


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