Author Topic: Free Trigger Request  (Read 3941 times)

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Free Trigger Request
« on: 28 Nov 2022, 14:50 »
Could you make me a trigger please for horses and greyhounds with the following rules.
A back bet on the place market.
Selection rules
1. The selection with the largest spikes in the place and win markets at the off.
(To qualify as a selection the runner must have the largest spike (increase in volume) in both place and win markets in the same race.
For instance, if runner 1 has the largest volume spike in the win market and the same runner has the largest spike in the place market, then this would be a back bet on the place market.
I am talking about volume spikes that have happened in the last 10 minutes and spikes that have just happened before the off.
I would set the time of the bet at say 10 seconds after the official off time (adjustable). (Most races go off later than this).
If there are no qualifying selections, then no bet.
Is it possible to have a condition for Greyhounds and a condition for Horses to run independent of one another as the liquidity of these markets are huge
Can you do a back recovery stacking plan on this please.
If possible, would you please time any adjustable CONSTANTS in seconds.
Kind Regards


  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: Free Trigger Request
« Reply #1 on: 29 Nov 2022, 13:45 »

Please find your triggers file attached.
Thank you for using our software.
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Re: Free Trigger Request
« Reply #2 on: 29 Nov 2022, 21:23 »
Hi Tim

I am sorry I have had to contact you but I have been running the above trigger that you kindly put together for me, jmnw15359-2022-11-29.mft  all day today on greyhounds and horses over 300 betting opportunities and it has not placed a bet.

I have been monitoring the races myself while the trigger is active and there has been a big number of instances when it should have placed a bet. I have attached some of the trigger and program logs from today to see if this can help.
I have adjusted my settings so as not to affect the working of the trigger. The trigger is active button is swithed on (green)

Thanks in advace.

  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: Free Trigger Request
« Reply #3 on: 30 Nov 2022, 12:28 »
Yes, it rarely but places bets.
1. Make sure you've added both win and place markets.
2. Make sure you start refreshing them at least hr_spike_timeframe/gh_spike_timeframe minutes before the off.

P.S. you attached horse racing trigger running on greyhound market log - it never fires there...
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Re: Free Trigger Request
« Reply #4 on: 01 Dec 2022, 07:49 »
Hi Tim

I am sorry Tim but I am not a coder, could you please explain what the following means and what action I need to take to get the trigger to bet. (Make sure you start refreshing them at least hr_spike_timeframe/gh_spike_timeframe minutes before the off).

Could you guide me as to what the general settings should be in marketfeeder so it does not affect the operation of the trigger please.

I am sorry for being a pain Tim but fairley new to this.

Kind Regards

  • Tim Vetrov
  • Administrator
  • Posts: 4910
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Re: Free Trigger Request
« Reply #5 on: 02 Dec 2022, 12:40 »
Sorry for delay.
As you asked to make the timeframe for checking spikes as a trigger variable and separate horse racing and greyhound I created 2 constants:
hr_spike_timeframe and gh_spike_timeframe (at the top of triggers) and set them to 10 minutes.
So trigger has to start refreshing at least the number of minutes set on these constants (10 minutes if you don't change them).
So you need:
1. Add both win and place markets
2. Set to start refreshing them at least 10 minutes before the off
3. Switch triggering on.
Proud to be 🇺🇦
I'm happy to help Monday - Friday, 08:00-18:00 GMT
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