Author Topic: Help with resetting profit and resetting trigger  (Read 4530 times)

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Please help.
I have a trigger with loss recovery.
I would like the trigger to restart after a certain profit.
So for example, I want the trigger to restart after profit of £10 and the initial stake is £2.
After a few bets the profit is £8, so not quite enough to restart the trigger. The loss recovery goes into a few losing cycles so we are down by quite a bit. However, the loss recovery manages to recover a portion of the losses and we are actually £11 in profit overall now. The loss recovery has not completed its recovery cycles because there is actually more to recover. However, I want the trigger to restart the trigger and reset both the loss recovery and the profit so that the stake will start at £2 again and the trigger will restart at the next £10 profit.
What is the variable I need to use?
I know how to reset the profit/loss history globally but when I put a condition of market's profit being greater than £10, the trigger doesn't seem to work at all. I think it may be because the bank was already in profit when I added this condition. This is why I want the profit to be reset as well.
Thanks for any help provided.

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Re: Help with resetting profit and resetting trigger
« Reply #1 on: 13 Aug 2020, 21:04 »
You are using recovery so I think you are looking for overall profit rather than an individual market's profit?
but check what it says in the helpfile with regards to your statement settings
total_won will be reset to zero using reset win/lose history action

so your betting trigger condition will be:
and selections trigger expression total_won is less than 10

reset win/lose conditions:
no unmatched bets etc...
and selections trigger expression total_won is equal or greater than 10
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Re: Help with resetting profit and resetting trigger
« Reply #2 on: 13 Aug 2020, 21:28 »
Thanks Mark.
I just realised that I have been using the correct variable and expression but I put down greater than £10 instead of less than £10. That's why the trigger wouldn't fire any bets!
Thanks for putting me right.

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Re: Help with resetting profit and resetting trigger
« Reply #3 on: 13 Aug 2020, 22:30 »
Hi Mark,
Could you explain why the variable is less than £10 rather than greater than?
I understood that the variable means that the trigger will only reset the profit won history if the profit won is greater than £10.
If the profit isn't over £10 yet wouldn't the variable selections trigger expression total_won is less than 10 reset the profit history?

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Re: Help with resetting profit and resetting trigger
« Reply #4 on: 14 Aug 2020, 08:32 »
Hi Mark, Could you explain why the variable is less than £10 rather than greater than? I understood that the variable means that the trigger will only reset the profit won history if the profit won is greater than £10. If the profit isn't over £10 yet wouldn't the variable selections trigger expression total_won is less than 10 reset the profit history?
Depends where you use the condition.

In the betting trigger, you only want to bet if profit is less than 10
and selections trigger expression total_won is less than 10

In the reset win / lose history trigger, you only want that to fire if profit is 10 or greater
and selections trigger expression total_won is equal or greater than 10
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Re: Help with resetting profit and resetting trigger
« Reply #5 on: 14 Aug 2020, 09:55 »
thanks for clarifying

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Re: Help with resetting profit and resetting trigger
« Reply #6 on: 14 Aug 2020, 14:47 »
One question about the total_won variable, does it take into account any losses in between the wins or does it just calculate all the wins?
For instance, if the 1st win is profit of £8, then 2nd bet loses £5, 3rd bet wins £6.
So total profits so far is £9, but total of both the wins is £14.
So does total_won variable take the £9 ot the £14 as the total?

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Re: Help with resetting profit and resetting trigger
« Reply #7 on: 14 Aug 2020, 16:22 »
in your example above total_won will be £9
it is a running profit/loss
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Help with resetting profit and resetting trigger
« Reply #8 on: 14 Aug 2020, 16:56 »
brilliant! that's how I wanted it to work.
Thanks again.


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