Author Topic: Getting the results of an IF statement....  (Read 6965 times)

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Getting the results of an IF statement....
« on: 07 Oct 2016, 14:36 »
I have this parsing correctly..

IF ((g_ticks(lastunmatchedlayprice,lay_price)>gap), r_ticks(lastunmatchedlayprice,3), r_ticks(lastunmatchedlayprice,1))

as I see for example at any one time

IF (7>3, 1.96, 1.94)

How can I can gain access to the result..? i.e 1.96 or 1.94 and get it as a variable...

I have tried setting a user variable with the value of IF ((g_ticks(lastunmatchedlayprice,lay_price)>gap), r_ticks(lastunmatchedlayprice,3), r_ticks(lastunmatchedlayprice,1))

but it doesn't seem to do anything...


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Re: Getting the results of an IF statement....
« Reply #1 on: 07 Oct 2016, 15:00 »
when I tested it, it did not parse, result was, using your example:
IF ((7>3), 1.96, 1.94)

using bu_layp instead of lastunmatchedlayprice and removing the one set of brackets, this parses correctly and can be written to a user variable:
IF(g_ticks(bu_layp,lay_price)>3, r_ticks(bu_layp,3), r_ticks(bu_layp,1))
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Re: Getting the results of an IF statement....
« Reply #2 on: 07 Oct 2016, 20:19 »
So, like MarkV says, check that your variable lastunmatchedlayprice is set correctly.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Getting the results of an IF statement....
« Reply #3 on: 07 Oct 2016, 21:09 »
Cheers guys...

Is it possible to have AND statements in IF


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Re: Getting the results of an IF statement....
« Reply #4 on: 08 Oct 2016, 08:37 »
Certainly, here's an example from the helpfile:
IF(AND(last_won>=0, total_won>0), 4.0, IF(last_won<0, 4-last_won))
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Re: Getting the results of an IF statement....
« Reply #5 on: 09 Oct 2016, 15:16 »
thank you.. and if I wanted to add multiple and checks

IF(AND(this>500,that<100)OR(whatever>X, thatever<Y), r_ticks(back_price,1), back_price)

would that work?

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Re: Getting the results of an IF statement....
« Reply #6 on: 09 Oct 2016, 16:13 »
Yes IF, AND, OR functions are supported.
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Re: Getting the results of an IF statement....
« Reply #7 on: 09 Oct 2016, 17:48 »
Ah cool, so the syntax I used above would be ok?

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Re: Getting the results of an IF statement....
« Reply #8 on: 09 Oct 2016, 19:03 »
I think one of these depending on your requirement:
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Re: Getting the results of an IF statement....
« Reply #9 on: 10 Oct 2016, 09:21 »
Thanks MarkV,

Is there a way of having three results within an IF, more than the bollean result of true or false..

IF (this, X), (OR that, Y), (OR whatever, Z)

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Re: Getting the results of an IF statement....
« Reply #10 on: 10 Oct 2016, 19:54 »
A nested IF could be a possible. The are several topics on the forum relating to "nested IF". The nested IF could just as well be a nested OR, or a nested AND, or any combination. It really depends on your end result required, I'd say probably a lot easier to use trigger conditions for this.
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