before I agree to work on your request , I have tested the trigger and it places 1 bet sometimes and 2 bets most times.
do you want the trigger to only place 2 bets if both back and lay conditions are correct.
IF the SUM of the profit/loss of all markets reaches over x% or under x%.
for this the trigger would only bet in 1 match/market at a time , because the trigger needs the last settled profit or loss to calculate how much over x% or under x%.
The trigger is a simple back the favourite and lay the underdog that I select manually.
how do you manually select the favourite and underdog.
I forgot to mention that the percentage is regarding the starting bank of the day. Also, could you please make it "read" what is the initial bank from my current funds. On this trigger I have to insert this information manually as well.
do you want the bet amounts to be linked to your current funds or use your starting bank constant.