Author Topic: green all / distribute loss  (Read 5953 times)

Tags: Green-up
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green all / distribute loss
« on: 26 Jun 2019, 12:40 »
Hi, Good morning!
Please, I need a trigger where it greens all or distribute loss all the open bets at the same time IF the SUM of the profit/loss of all markets reaches over x% or under x%. Then it has to stop any further bets for that day. Reseting for the next day and so on.

Can you please help me?

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
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Re: green all / distribute loss
« Reply #1 on: 26 Jun 2019, 12:46 »
please include your trigger that you want altering.
Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: green all / distribute loss
« Reply #2 on: 26 Jun 2019, 14:09 »
Hi. The trigger is a simple back the favourite and lay the underdog that I select manually.

I forgot to mention that the percentage is regarding the starting bank of the day. Also, could you please make it "read" what is the initial bank from my current funds. On this trigger I have to insert this information manually as well.

Thanks for your help

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
  • Gender: Male
Re: green all / distribute loss
« Reply #3 on: 26 Jun 2019, 14:55 »
before I agree to work on your request , I have tested the trigger and it places 1 bet sometimes and 2 bets most times.
do you want the trigger to only place 2 bets if both back and lay conditions are correct.

IF the SUM of the profit/loss of all markets reaches over x% or under x%.
for this the trigger would only bet in 1 match/market at a time , because the trigger needs the last settled profit or loss to calculate how much over x% or under x%.

The trigger is a simple back the favourite and lay the underdog that I select manually.
how do you manually select the favourite and underdog.

I forgot to mention that the percentage is regarding the starting bank of the day. Also, could you please make it "read" what is the initial bank from my current funds. On this trigger I have to insert this information manually as well.
do you want the bet amounts to be linked to your current funds or use your starting bank constant.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: green all / distribute loss
« Reply #4 on: 26 Jun 2019, 15:27 »

No. It has to place the bets as long as the conditions met.

IF the SUM of the profit/loss of all markets reaches over x% or under x%.

for this the trigger would only bet in 1 match/market at a time , because the trigger needs the last settled profit or loss to calculate how much over x% or under x%.

To be honest, what I need is that the bot is capable to "see" every trade out value of each market while it is cicling through the markets and if the sum is over/under%, it would green/distribute losses. Not after the match is finished. And it is possible that there will be maybe 10 matches at the same time. I only bet im match odds on soccer.

The trigger is a simple back the favourite and lay the underdog that I select manually.

how do you manually select the favourite and underdog.

I simply add the games I have decided to work with.

I forgot to mention that the percentage is regarding the starting bank of the day. Also, could you please make it "read" what is the initial bank from my current funds. On this trigger I have to insert this information manually as well.

do you want the bet amounts to be linked to your current funds or use your starting bank constant.

Yes. To the current funds.

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
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Re: green all / distribute loss
« Reply #5 on: 26 Jun 2019, 15:46 »
IF the SUM of the profit/loss of all markets reaches over x% or under x%.

for this the trigger would only bet in 1 match/market at a time , because the trigger needs the last settled profit or loss to calculate how much over x% or under x%.

To be honest, what I need is that the bot is capable to "see" every trade out value of each market while it is cicling through the markets and if the sum is over/under%, it would green/distribute losses. Not after the match is finished. And it is possible that there will be maybe 10 matches at the same time. I only bet im match odds on soccer.

I understand that you want to take a loss or profit from every match , but your full quote is 

IF the SUM of the profit/loss of all markets reaches over x% or under x%. Then it has to stop any further bets for that day. Reseting for the next day and so on.
to me this reads that if at any point your total profit/loss is over x% or under x% then stop betting.
this has to be calculated 1 match at a time so that the trigger knows if the profit or loss amount has been reached.
Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: green all / distribute loss
« Reply #6 on: 27 Jun 2019, 11:53 »

Maybe I poorly expressed myself before. I will put some pictures with what I want exactly. Please see attached.
If you still have any doubts, please let me know.

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3694
  • Gender: Male
Re: green all / distribute loss
« Reply #7 on: 27 Jun 2019, 14:53 »
here is your trigger , there are 2 new constants to set.
Green up percent of the market maximum profit
Loss percent of the market maximum loss

please use test mode until you are happy with your settings


download the trigger below


If you need to have your triggers adjusted or add a new option / function to them after you have been supplied with a trigger file, please start a new topic.
Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


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