Author Topic: Greening up and other conditions  (Read 8434 times)

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Greening up and other conditions
« on: 23 Apr 2023, 06:34 »
Hi All

Some years ago I remember having trouble greening up using MF Pro .I have recently returned as a customer and really like where the software has got up to .It is really functional now with some very clever variables one can use. Yesterday, however, I spent about 10 hours trying to get a simple green up just before the off to work::) I thought I was going nuts but today used other software that I subscribe to and it took about 2 minutes to get a green up functioning at current or reverse price. I have been writing bots on and off for 10 years (sometimes even successfully profiting ;)) using subscription based software and python (as an aside---ChatGPT wow:o) so tried all the usual troubleshooting tricks: among others- no conditions, offset ticks set to -1 , p/L ratio % set to 50,etc I used back/lay bets to close with 'even-green up' formulas (off this forum)which worked sometimes but not often enough (see section below on back matched etc) Surely it shouldn't be this hard? One appears to need to have both a green up and a distribute loss in the same trigger and even then it fails.One green up command(I mean greening up is one of the huge selling points of Betfair) should be able to do both?
In the log , especially for distribute loss there is often an entry indicating that no selections qualifies for a distribute loss, when it clearly does (only 1  bet latched and in a losing position) as the selection P&L and market P&L and/or tradeout_net is less than 0.Again the other software greened up without an issue, regardless of how many bets matched etc. I am pretty confident I haven't missed anything but if someone has a magical green up formula that works regardless if you are in profit or loss and you are kind enough to share it please let me know. I turned away from the screen for a short while today and a lay bet without greening cost me $30 which is a little irritating as things seemed to be working for a while and then bam:-\
While I am here I have also noticed in the log that when I have a condition such as 
 (all Matching selections chosen,) and applies to back matched too sometimes, the log says false when I can clearly see there is no unmatched bet anywhere.I change this to 
the condition seems to work 100%. Not sure if anyone else has noticed this.
Anyway, if I am being dumb (chemo has a lot to answer for:o-not a sympathy pull attempt but might explain me missing something) please let me know as if I had hair I would be pulling it out :).I don't want to have to rely on 2 software types to simply green up.On the whole MF Pro is awesome so any advice appreciated.Thanks

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Re: Greening up and other conditions
« Reply #1 on: 23 Apr 2023, 06:39 »
Sorry my screenshots didn't make the cut...the above section should be:
 While I am here I have also noticed in the log that when I have a condition such as "Selections back/lay matched or back/lay unmatched =0"
 (all Matching selections chosen,), the log says False when I can clearly see there is no unmatched/matched  bet anywhere.I change this to Selection's Trigger expression back_unmatched =0 for example and the condition seems to work 100%. Not sure if anyone else has noticed this?

  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: Greening up and other conditions
« Reply #2 on: 23 Apr 2023, 10:37 »
Welcome back.
Yes, when other software uses a simplest version of greening up MarketFeeder much more flexible but complicated thing.
I see from your description it could be mess with AND/OR condition joins.

I'm afraid I can help more only with the trigger file or at least the greenup part.

P.S. always use test mode before getting for real.
Proud to be 🇺🇦
I'm happy to help Monday - Friday, 08:00-18:00 GMT
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Re: Greening up and other conditions
« Reply #3 on: 24 Apr 2023, 08:38 »
Thanks for the reply Tim. 
With respect, I wouldn't exactly call them simple-especially Python using mathematical theorems and machine learning, let alone the AI interaction but appreciate weighted green ups and loss formulas are more complex that most average bears like me can apply without some learning time
Since you mention it : I use test mode to prove functionality and catch logic gotchas but experience has taught me that using small stakes after that is much better for lessons like partial matching and matching (not my thing but proves a case) in the run. 
I have attached a sample GU/DL trigger that is not dependent on any conditions other than time..but even when I removed ALL conditions it would work sometimes and not others.The only relevant entry in the log I could see was that no selection qualified for a Distribute Loss..sometimes..not all the time but way too often for it to me to be a BF API error (I have had to code in the past to cover situations where my net stake was changing but my matched bets were not been detected as matched (according to  various forums a probable API error but who knows :o ) I have tried changing the execution to once per selection etc but seem to get the same problems
My Python coding brain is a slow  burn, especially for this old bod, and MF pro is complex as you say but the flexibility is awesome.
Anyway, as I said if there is a solid way to fix this then please let me know or drop a sample Green Up/DL trigger here if that's easier

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Re: Greening up and other conditions
« Reply #4 on: 25 Apr 2023, 05:33 »
I wrote a new trigger and added the Green Up /DL as well as a cancel all before execution and seemed to have resolved it. Not sure why but I'll go with it
I'll let you know anything changes .Feel free to comment of course if required


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Re: Greening up and other conditions
« Reply #5 on: 04 May 2023, 05:09 »
Still getting intermittent fails tp distribute loss. I see this has occurred (see link below from 8 years ago)before for others and they have had to use back bets as a work around. It works most of the time then suddenly once in a while you get: "Selection Misty Dancer is not ready for a trade out. Possibly a greening up or stop-loss bet has already been placed." or "No selection qualifies for a distribute loss", as per above posts

This occurs regardless if there is a cancel all before the DL is executed or not
See attached for the matched lay bets that weren't greened up-matched minutes before the off.90% of the time the green up works but if you can't get 100% you can't trust it.This is a whole new trigger file and both this and the last one exhibiting same characteristics. I know the lay bets were detected as matched cos a separate attempt to green up trigger tried to close out the trade but the price moved for (into profit) me

Update: I had a thought that perhaps the green up wasn't occurring due to the market P&L being > 0  (not sure of my logic here but made sense at the time) so added a 2nd green up with a +1 as the offset-see 2nd attachment. So far 100% (65 races:))but man this is hard work for a simple execution

Anyway, I'll keep trying and post here if things change

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Re: Greening up and other conditions
« Reply #6 on: 07 May 2023, 23:54 »
Well, unfortunately, one more green up failed last night on UK racing:(:
"Selection Meditate is not ready for a trade out. Possibly a greening up or stop-loss bet has already been placed"
Worked in my favour this time but it is a worry.It went and green up another runner a full second after failing on Meditate.This is all pre-off and still has two Green up /DL's running.I'll try adding the +1 as the offset on the first one. Tough going

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Re: Greening up and other conditions
« Reply #7 on: 12 May 2023, 07:35 »
Well after watching this fail, over and over again, randomly and then getting worse over time:-\, I have given up on MFPro being able to green up for multiple bets.Looks like I'll have to keep my subscription to other software like BA

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Re: Greening up and other conditions
« Reply #9 on: 13 May 2023, 02:05 »
Hi MarkV

Thanks for the response.I have seen those but had forgotten.I'll see what I can do there.

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Re: Greening up and other conditions
« Reply #10 on: 13 May 2023, 04:13 »
Nope,same ol not ready for a trade out. Possibly a greening up or stop-loss bet has already been placed. or None of the selections qualifies for a green up.

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Re: Greening up and other conditions
« Reply #11 on: 13 May 2023, 06:27 »
Perhaps ask the trigger development service to check the operation your trigger? You should have at least one free trigger request.  
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Greening up and other conditions
« Reply #12 on: 13 May 2023, 23:43 »
Hi Mark

Probably won't do that-just in case my delusion of a profitable bot turns out to be real;). Also, this was after multiple triggers, conditions/no conditions, different machines,gelocations,12 years of practice etc etc and was still random. The other software will green things ,so I can properly test (notwithstanding the odd non-detection of matched bet API error thingy) While I stay humble and realise nothing is impossible re me being wrong, I think probabilities are low in this context. A simple profit/price calc should run on all (single)matched bets when the spread/loss/profit is uneven, or even run anyway regardless, if I want it to.IMHO, etc I enjoy writing triggers in MFPro.. it is a really cool piece of kit (I'll keep using it for that alone) and generally it is very reliable but I remember this driving me from it years ago. 
Thanks again for replying

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Re: Greening up and other conditions
« Reply #13 on: 16 May 2023, 12:00 »
Interestingly, I ran my trigger in test mode last night and 100% Green Up/DL success (and overall profit of course:) )
This would suggest a matching problem, yet as per the error logs copied above, the attempt is not even made in real mode, but is made using other software; as I said.Not sure how one progresses from here using MFpro alone

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Re: Greening up and other conditions
« Reply #14 on: 18 May 2023, 07:54 »
Well, that was quick.The other software failed to green up on a long shot lay bet and of course the horse won, losing me $48. Was running smoothly and then just didn't even bother..seen this before when the bet is not detected as matched.That's me outta ideas.I can't see how anyone can make money doing this ,when hedging, without writing their own code?


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