Author Topic: HELP - bot to lay draw HT with 3 conditions fails  (Read 4249 times)

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Hallo everyone!

Its my first attempt building a bot.
But something is failing and i am not understanding why.
If someone could see the file and give a little help i would apreciate very much.

The bot is suposed find games which this 3 conditions happen:
- the lay draw in half time market is between 2 and 2.5
- the back 0-0 in Correct Score is above 12
- the back under 2,5 in over/under 2,5 is over 2

If this happen, the bot should make a lay bet in draw HALF TIME and also should bet a back bet in 0-0.

But the bot is not doing it right.
Some games are ok, but some the bot only makes de lay draw HT bet, and other games only backs the 0-0, without making the other bet (lay draw HT).

Could someone give a hand?

The link to the bot is above (under dropbox):


Thanks very much.


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Re: HELP - bot to lay draw HT with 3 conditions fails
« Reply #1 on: 26 Dec 2012, 09:46 »
You need to attach the trigger file if you want some help.
But looking  at your requirements there will be very  few matches that are 0-0 at HT, where the back price is above 12 and even less when you add in the other condition that under 2.5 is above 2.


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