Author Topic: HELP NEEDED - Info on how to re-set win/loss moving forward [TCKT13062013MVN]  (Read 5947 times)

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  • MF Pro is the only way to go when your on the punt
Hi Guys,

I hope I have something challenging for you this time.  

I have tried everything I know and still just can't make the trigger do what I want completely, maybe this is not possible.  ???

If it is possible could you please attach a version of this trigger block with any extra info I might need / e.g. constants. I need a solution that you know for sure will work, as it will need to work on a live betting setup as I cannot use on test mode due to I need live balances plus I delete markets as they finish. Obviously very small bets can be used though.

This is what I need that I just can't seem to get to work, maybe you can?

I start monitoring the market at 3 mins before the OFF.

I want to remember my "starting balance" at the start of the betting day.

also I need to re-set win / loss statement also at the start of the betting day.

easy right  :)

When my balance is up from my "starting balance" 200 or more dollars I want to re-set the win / loss statement.

This will reset my betting sequence back to the start.

I need this "balance moving up" trigger to re-set the win / loss every time I am up 200 or more dollars.

So the above remember my "starting balance" trigger will need to re-set also at the same time, every time moving forward.

easy right  :) I find this virtually impossible to do, with many tries so far  :o


OK now I need the exact opposite trigger for when I am 200 or more dollars down from my initial remembered starting balance.

So if I am 200 or more dollars down I need the reset win / loss to reset.

Also I need the remember “starting bank” balance also to remember the new lower balance. Ready for moving forward again.

It is also possible I may lose another 200 or more that is why I need it all to move up and down the scale of possible outcomes.

It needs these triggers to fire every time perfectly or catastrophe can happen.

Maybe put some safe guards in that no bets can be made if certain triggers have not run yet.


The problems I have come up against whilst trying to put it together:

keeping all the triggers live so as to flow up and down with the profit and loss

trying to work out the best time and right order that the triggers fire, I monitor from 3 mins out. Bets are made just before the OFF, so the triggers all need to work sometime before, but close as possible before bets are made just before OFF. So we have MAX time for previous market to settle.

How to turn off and on the remembering trigger so it is not remembering the wrong balances, this is crucial.

I have seen some betting system triggers which seem way more involved, I am hoping this quite simple idea can be put together.  


I hope I have explained properly what I have been trying to do myself, but no cigar yet.

I will be online for next 5 or so hours for any follow up questions.

I hope this also might be of some use to the MF community if it is put together and works. Obviously you still have to find winning bets lol   ;D

Any help would be apprieciated.

I never bought a lifetime licence when I had the opportunity and kick myself every day by not realizing at the time the power of MF Pro and its team behind it.

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
SORRY, for my late reply.
here in trastenik, bulgaria, it is a festival day, and we have much to drink and eat.

i will work on your trigger tomorrow .

good luck


Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

  • All members
  • Posts: 98
  • MF Pro is the only way to go when your on the punt
Thanks mcbee, happy festival day  8)
I never bought a lifetime licence when I had the opportunity and kick myself every day by not realizing at the time the power of MF Pro and its team behind it.

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
here is a trigger that will record the balance at the start of the day, then if the balance increases by your set amount, it will reset the win/lose history and record the new balance.
if the balance decreases by your set amount, it will reset the win/lose history and record the new balance.
in the constants you can set
the profit to reset
the loss to reset
all it needed was 1 trigger to reset win/lose history with a set user variable (starting_bank) for the balance.
with 3 conditions
trigger xxxx number of runs is equal to 0 overall
balance is equal or greater than starting_bank+(your set amount)
balance is equal or less than starting_bank-(your set amount)

so the variable for you to use in your betting trigger is starting_bank

the trigger is set for live or test mode, so you can use it in test mode first.


download the trigger below
Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

  • All members
  • Posts: 98
  • MF Pro is the only way to go when your on the punt
Thankyou mcbee.

Perfect solution!

I had something near your solution but i seperated the the reset win / loss and starting bank remember triggers, which was giving me the problems.

I was not aware i could combine them in one trigger with a user variable added.

It does make me think now with your great help i am finally learning and understanding the MF Pro language 100 % better now.  ;D

I hope my simple idea and your solution can also help others in some way with their systems in our very special punters community.  8)

Best Regards

I never bought a lifetime licence when I had the opportunity and kick myself every day by not realizing at the time the power of MF Pro and its team behind it.


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