  • #16 by MarkV on 19 Feb 2019
  • Hi
    Betfair will match bets at the best available price.
    if the current best lay price is 1.96 and you put in a lay bet at a price of 2.00, it will be immediately matched at 1.96

    however you can put in a back bet, which will be unmatched and waiting on the lay side of the book at price 2.00
    back, price: 2.00
    condition: selections lay price is between r_ticks(2, -4) and r_ticks(2, -1) 

    or another way to write that is:
    back, price: 2.00
    condition: selections lay price is between 1.96 and 1.99 
    now if best price is above 2.00, e.g. 2.08, then you can put in an unmatched lay bet at 2.00 which will be waiting on the back side of the book:
    lay, price: 2.00
    condition: selections lay price is between 2.02 and 2.08

    hope that makes sense 
  • #17 by layfavin on 20 Feb 2019
  • Thanks Mark ,

    The reason I need to lay at 2 is to get the edge , trading as you know is mainly about getting an edge.

    Laying at 2 means I lose 0.01 if it goes down in price, but if it goes up in price i make 0.02 per tick:). I can lay a manual unmatched bet at 2 using tha ‘ladder’. I was hoping Market feeder could do the same.

    It’s a shame Market feeder does say you can automate any trading strategy , but actually its very limited when it comes to trading.

    Thank you for confirming what is possible, but I won’t waste anymore time trying to create a trading solution and wasting your time.