Author Topic: Marketfeeder 7 clashes  (Read 5191 times)

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Marketfeeder 7 clashes
« on: 18 Jul 2012, 07:22 »
I am trying to use 2 Marketfeeder 7 program on my computer but anytime it start to place bets it clashes and had to restart it. Though I am using 2 different betfair usernames on the program why I am still having this problem?

Can anyone suggest any settings and is anyone having the same problem?

Any suggestion welcome.

  • Moderator
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Re: Marketfeeder 7 clashes
« Reply #1 on: 18 Jul 2012, 07:42 »
I was wondering if you have separate installations on your computer? I think MarketFeeder Pro 7 should be installed only once on your computer. You may then run several instances from the one installation by using another Profile. Each instance you run should have its own Profile. There is a section in the manual, Login Window, which might be useful to you.
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  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: Marketfeeder 7 clashes
« Reply #2 on: 18 Jul 2012, 10:19 »
Each instance you run should have its own Profile. There is a section in the manual, Login Window, which might be useful to you.
Thank you MarkV
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