Author Topic: Help - repeat firing two bets at a time  (Read 2506 times)

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Help - repeat firing two bets at a time
« on: 10 Feb 2020, 19:30 »

i am sure i have missed  something  simple here, However  i need the attached to place a back bet at lay price and after 20 seconds if not matched  cancel and repeat. The problem is its firing two bets at a time when it repeats what have i missed?

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Re: Help - repeat firing two bets at a time
« Reply #1 on: 11 Feb 2020, 17:17 »
backing and laying trigger is selections: fav, execute: once per selection. If the favourite changes and meets the trigger conditions there will be another back bet on the new fav. Change execute to: once per market

close block fires and repeats the block on this condition:
and trigger backing and laying number of runs in the market is greater than 0
it would be better to close the block after the green up trigger has fired
change the condition to:
and trigger Green up number of runs in the market is greater than 0

it should then repeat correctly

I tested it again with cancelling the back bet every 20secs
the close block conditions should be:

every selections back unmatched is equal to 0
and every selections lay unmatched is equal to 0
and every selections trigger expression ABS(back_payout-lay_payout) is less than 0.5
     trigger backing and laying number of runs in the market is greater than 0
     or trigger Green up number of runs in the market is greater than 0

Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Help - repeat firing two bets at a time
« Reply #2 on: 12 Feb 2020, 21:23 »
great thanks


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