Author Topic: Help with a trigger  (Read 5163 times)

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Help with a trigger
« on: 13 Nov 2020, 09:17 »
Hello !

I need help in finding last bet back odds when multiple bets are placed and on both selections. Like in the pictures attached.
Last bet was 11.98E @ 1.08 on Kudermetova.

Thank you !

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Re: Help with a trigger
« Reply #1 on: 13 Nov 2020, 09:36 »
Like in theese pictures.

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Re: Help with a trigger
« Reply #2 on: 13 Nov 2020, 09:38 »

bm_backp is the price of the last matched back bet on a selection

bm_backpThe price of the last non-SP matched back bet that you placed on the selection
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Re: Help with a trigger
« Reply #3 on: 13 Nov 2020, 09:43 »
Look what bm_backp returns.

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Re: Help with a trigger
« Reply #4 on: 13 Nov 2020, 09:48 »
tennis1_s_2_bm_backp returns corect price, but how to select tennis1_s_1_bm_backp or tennis1_s_2_bm_backp ?

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Re: Help with a trigger
« Reply #5 on: 13 Nov 2020, 09:52 »
Kudermetovo is selection index 2, so you either need to specify this in conditions, or use the selection prefix:

condition: selections index is equal to 2

or selection index prefix s_2_

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Re: Help with a trigger
« Reply #6 on: 13 Nov 2020, 09:56 »
bet_odds = IF(tennis1_s_2_profit_loss>0, tennis1_s_2_bm_backp, tennis1_s_1_bm_backp)

I think is correct. What do you say ?

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Re: Help with a trigger
« Reply #7 on: 13 Nov 2020, 10:10 »
maybe if you use the time of the bet it would be better:

IF(tennis1_s_2_bm_1_backtime>tennis1_s_1_bm_1_backtime, tennis1_s_2_bm_backp, tennis1_s_1_bm_backp)
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Re: Help with a trigger
« Reply #8 on: 13 Nov 2020, 10:18 »
I think so. I will try.

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Re: Help with a trigger
« Reply #9 on: 13 Nov 2020, 12:43 »
The function attemp to greenup aplied on picture 2 (based on profit, let say 10%) will add 10% at the P&L from picture 1 (so the profit will be 1.15 + 0.20) or will try to green up at 10% from potential winning from picture 2 (aka 0.20)

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Re: Help with a trigger
« Reply #10 on: 14 Nov 2020, 10:34 »
Attempt to green up based on percentage, is the percentage of the invested amount on the selection.
Also if you tick against last matched bet, it will attempt to green up to the specified percentage of the last matched bet. If this is unticked it is the specified percentage of all bets on the selection. The helpfile description is:

Against last matched bet
Choose the tactics of the Auto-Greenup tool. If you tick this option, the program will calculate the price of the next green-up and stop-loss bets against the last matched bet that needs to be trade out. If you untick it, the program will aim to achieve the specified ticks/profit against all the bets you placed on that selection earlier. I.e. if you previously opened bets on that selection that were closed with a loss, ticking this option will let you forget about them and move on trying to earn the specified profit on top of each next bets you will make. However, if you are looking to close all your bets with the specified profit and take into account the past winning/losing trade-out attempts you made, you better untick this option. Just play with it in Test Mode to get the idea better.
Min profit % / Offset Ticks

Set the minimum profit percentage you aim to get (if you are trading "Based on profit %") or the number of ticks (if trading "Based on ticks"). In the case of "Minimum profit %", the program will calculate a price that is needed to generate a certain percentage of the invested amount. E.g., in the example above, when you back £10 @ 2.5, then lay £12.5 @ 2.0, your profit % is (12.5 - 10) / 10 = 0.25 = 25%.
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