Author Topic: Help with data flow issues  (Read 5832 times)

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Help with data flow issues
« on: 26 Mar 2013, 13:12 »
Excuses out of the way first - I'm new to MF and trying to get to grips with some test triggers, so this may be a dumb question.

I'm trying to write something which reads both my bets and price changes in the market and places bets accordingly.

But if a price change also changes my bets, the problem I'm having is that my trigger is reading the new prices but the old info for my bets, which will screw up what I want to do.

I'm pretty sure that reflects the slower speed at which my bets update, but I'm not sure how to remedy that.  Do I need a slower refresh rate?  I'm using 4 seconds at the moment, or is there some other way around the problem?

Any help much appreciated.

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Re: Help with data flow issues
« Reply #1 on: 26 Mar 2013, 13:38 »
This could be resolved by adding a "remember" trigger with the right parameters, but I need more details from you. Please describe what the trigger does.
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Re: Help with data flow issues
« Reply #2 on: 26 Mar 2013, 16:39 »
Hi Oxa

I'm just playing about with the program really, trying to understand everything before the new selection variables you are going to add to the next version come online.

But I was looking to back an amount based on a combination of a constant minus back_matched when the price moved.  But the price move was sometimes changing my back_matched and not calculating the amount I wanted.

I had idle market refresh set to a default of 4 secs and since my last post I've discovered I had "updating list of bets" in Settings set at a default of 3 secs.  That was the main problem I think, and now I've changed "updating list of bets" to 1 sec, I think that will sort the problem.

I did look at remember functions, but I think the are probably a bit beyond my current needs.

By the way, any idea when the next version will go live?

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Re: Help with data flow issues
« Reply #3 on: 26 Mar 2013, 20:13 »
I'm not sure I understand how a price move can change the value of back_matched. The latter holds the sum of all matched back bets that you placed on that selection. Do you mean that as the price moves, more of your bets get matched?

By the way, any idea when the next version will go live?

Testing it and updating the manual. Hopefully, by the end of the week.
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Re: Help with data flow issues
« Reply #4 on: 27 Mar 2013, 10:04 »
Great news on the new version.

Yes, sometimes a price move matches more of my bets.  Changing the bets refresh rate seems to have done the trick - I did some testing last night.  I expect I will need "remember" once I get more advanced.

By the way, as you mention updating the manual, I did notice something confusing when playing with b_leap and l_leap.  They return positive numbers when the price is moving in, which is the opposite of what I was expecting having read the manual description.  Lastly, what is the "last refresh" for the purposes of b_leap and l_leap.  Presumably it corresponds to the general refresh rate I set (i.e. idle_rate pre event)?
I need to do some more testing, but b_leap or l_leap seem to be returning a value other than zero for a couple of refreshes after a single price change.  Any idea why that might be?

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Re: Help with data flow issues
« Reply #5 on: 27 Mar 2013, 11:37 »
Let me look into this Orzola. Will post later...
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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