Author Topic: Help with construction of formulas wanted  (Read 15352 times)

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Help with construction of formulas wanted
« on: 05 Jan 2014, 08:43 »
I am going through the manual as we are all taught to do, but never get around to it :)
Can someone enlighten me how the following would look when put in a formula.
l_leap, b_leap
l_growth, b_growth
I understand what the terms mean as outlined in the manual but couldn't find any previous posts on a search for examples how used in a trigger.
Thanks if you could assist
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Help with understanding of terms wanted
« Reply #1 on: 05 Jan 2014, 09:20 »
leap or growth returns the price movement or tick movement over the last market refresh. An example of where leap or growth might be used could be scalping Over / Under markets. As long as there is no goal, the price moves steadily in a known direction, fluctuating up or down slightly depending on the ebb or flow of the game. A price may remain static over say 30 refreshes, and then move to the next tick. But frequently, the price returns to the previous price for a short while and then back, until the WOM starts to increase on the other side, at which point the price move is confirmed. These small up and down movements can be traded, and leap and growth are indicators which can help detect the moment to trade. Here we are looking for the price to move down, and then momentarily up again, knowing it will move down very soon.
and selections back price leap is equal to 1

Another example might be in-play horse racing, where a selections back price has moved up say from 5.00 to 15.00 over 1 refresh. Could be a good indicator for laying the selection.
and selections trigger expression b_growth is equal or greater than 10.00

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Re: Help with construction of formulas wanted
« Reply #2 on: 05 Jan 2014, 13:30 »
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the detailed explanation, even more succinct than the manual :)
I was mainly looking for examples of how formulas are written and where
on the MFP screen ?.
Do we need to construct one in the body of a trigger in the form of an 'action'?
in which case how would it be written by way of example.?
or are they only applied as a condition ?
Is it best to use a constant when applying the condition ?
many thanks
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Help with construction of formulas wanted
« Reply #3 on: 05 Jan 2014, 14:12 »
This trigger example uses lay price leap as a condition:
the English specification for the trigger included:
"Selections price has dropped since the last refresh"
it is translated as a condition in the first laying trigger as:
and selections lay price leap is less than 0

If I want to use it in a formula, I'll make one up now:
If the lay price has dropped more than 5 ticks over the last refresh lay £10
otherwise lay default lay amount
In the Amount field: IF(l_leap<5,10.00,default_laya)

A Constant is a fixed value. For example, above I have defined a drop of 5 ticks. I can make this a Constant.

Constant: dt Description: Lay Price drop ticks over 1 refresh for £10 lay Value: 5
Amount: IF(l_leap<dt,10.00,default_laya)

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Re: Help with construction of formulas wanted
« Reply #4 on: 05 Jan 2014, 15:39 »
Thanks Mark,
That has cleared up my quandary.
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Help with construction of formulas wanted
« Reply #5 on: 06 Jan 2014, 00:37 »
'If I want to use it in a formula, I'll make one up now:
If the lay price has dropped more than 5 ticks over the last refresh lay £10
otherwise lay default lay amount
In the Amount field: IF(l_leap<5,10.00,default_laya)'

Hi Mark,

One further clarification please.
When the manual uses the terminology "grew" in respect to 'leap' and 'growth'
it implies by the very wording that the price for both lay and back goes higher, yes?
Or are we to assume the lay price should "shrink" as in your above example?
bearing in mind prices may go up as well as down :)
ta muchly
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Help with construction of formulas wanted
« Reply #6 on: 06 Jan 2014, 08:07 »
''If I want to use it in a formula, I'll make one up now:
If the lay price has dropped more than 5 ticks over the last refresh lay £10
otherwise lay default lay amount
In the Amount field: IF(l_leap<5,10.00,default_laya)

Hi Mark,

One further clarification please.
When the manual uses the terminology "grew" in respect to 'leap' and 'growth'
it implies by the very wording that the price for both lay and back goes higher, yes?
Or are we to assume the lay price should "shrink" as in your above example?
bearing in mind prices may go up as well as down :)
ta muchly

If the value is +ve the price "grew", or "has risen", or "drifted" over the last refresh
If the value is -ve the price "shrunk", or "has fallen", or "steamed" over the last refresh
You are right, in my example above, I was incorrect.
If the lay price has dropped more than 5 ticks over the last refresh lay £10
otherwise lay default lay amount
In the Amount field it should read: IF(l_leap<-5,10.00,default_laya)
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Re: Help with construction of formulas wanted
« Reply #7 on: 08 Jan 2014, 09:21 »
Hi Mark,
Sorry, I saw this reply a couple of days ago and thought I'd responded.
Anyway thanks, it cleared that one up.
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Help with construction of formulas wanted
« Reply #8 on: 31 Jan 2014, 20:48 »
I'd like to further modify the formula to combine:

a) This "amount" formula which places a bet to payout a maximum of 5.00
    IF(r_ticks(back_price-1, tcks)*5>5,5/r_ticks(back_price-1, tcks),default_backa)


b) to place a back bet if back price drops 3 ticks since last refresh
assuming "tcks" is a constant.

Hope that is clear and thanks in anticipation

My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Help with construction of formulas wanted
« Reply #9 on: 31 Jan 2014, 21:11 »
I'd like to further modify the formula to combine:

a) This "amount" formula which places a bet to payout a maximum of 5.00
    IF(r_ticks(back_price-1, tcks)*5>5,5/r_ticks(back_price-1, tcks),default_backa)


b) to place a back bet if back price drops 3 ticks since last refresh
assuming "tcks" is a constant.

Hope that is clear and thanks in anticipation
Would it not be easier to use your formula at (a) in the amount box of the backing trigger, and a condition:
and selections back price leap is equal or less than -3 
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Re: Help with construction of formulas wanted
« Reply #10 on: 31 Jan 2014, 21:30 »
Yes that sounds much simpler
I'll give it a try.
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Help with construction of formulas wanted
« Reply #11 on: 01 Feb 2014, 21:06 »

This is a good learning topic.

Can I ask how do you write formulae for use in the Engineer Mode. I don't see any examples of how to use that option.

Thank you

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Re: Help with construction of formulas wanted
« Reply #12 on: 01 Feb 2014, 22:23 »
In Engineer mode you can click in any cell and the Formula Builder pops up. You can put whatever formula you like.
e.g. r_ticks(back_price,4). Used for the current market.

If you want to enter default formulas to display for all markets, put the formula in the settings. Please see attached screenshot.

Here is a topic relating to formulas in general:
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Re: Help with construction of formulas wanted
« Reply #13 on: 02 Feb 2014, 10:28 »
Can the following condition:

and selection's trigger expression g_ticks(back_price,lay_price) is equal or less than 2

be written as:

and selection's back price is equal or greater than  r_ticks(lay_price, -2)

My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Help with construction of formulas wanted
« Reply #14 on: 02 Feb 2014, 10:40 »
Can the following condition:

and selection's trigger expression g_ticks(back_price,lay_price) is equal or less than 2

be written as:

and selection's back price is equal or greater than  r_ticks(lay_price, -2)

Yes, the examples you give both mean the same.
Spread between best back price and best lay price is no more than 2 ticks.
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