Author Topic: horses trigger based on average  (Read 3283 times)

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horses trigger based on average
« on: 12 Mar 2014, 17:34 »
I would like someone to help me to set the following triggers;
first trigger;
1) at 10 minutes before the race record back price of all horses
2) at 7 minutes before the race record back price difference between 10 and 7
3) at 5minutes before the race record back price difference between 7 and 5
4) at 3minutes before the race record back price difference between 5 and 3
5) at 2minutes before the race record back price difference between 3 and 2
6) at 1 minutes before the race record back price difference between 2 and 1
add all back price differences and divide by 5 to find the average back price  difference

dutch back maximum  the 4 horses that have the higher average back price difference and also their last (6) 1 minute before the race  difference is also among the higher
 in order to understand what I want see the example;
1)back price at 10 min 7.50
2)back price at 7 min 7.00 difference 0.50
3)back price at 5 min 6.90difference 0.10
4)back price at 3 min 5.90difference 1.00
5)back price at 2 min 5.50difference 0.40
6)back price at 1 min 5.20difference 0.30

add (0.50+0.10+1+0.40+0.30)/5=0.46 average back price difference
back dutch maximum the 4 horses that have the higher back price average differences and also their last back difference ( at 1  min before the race ) is also among the 4 th higher difference

the second trigger involves the market match volume and is based on the same idea

only that the back price differences are estimated not in time but the volume as follow;
1) back price  when the volume is 50,000
2) back price difference when the volume increase by 50% compare to previous volume
3) back price difference when the volume increase by 40% compare to previous volume
4) back price difference when the volume increase by 30% compare to previous volume
) back price difference when the volume increase by 20% compare to previous volume
6) back price difference when the volume increase at least by 10% compare to previous volume and minutes since the off is less than 1

the rest of the trigger is as previous one


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Re: horses trigger based on average
« Reply #1 on: 12 Mar 2014, 21:09 »
Hi Nikolas,

Please use the dedicated forum board to post your trigger requests, one at a time.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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