Author Topic: how to limit the number of all bets in different football matches  (Read 3489 times)

  • All members
  • Posts: 58

I am using trigger that makes 3 bets in the same footbal match, but in different markets.
I would like to limit the number of all bets. lets say 3 bets on 5 different matches. I know to limit number of all bets with f.e. allbets_num, but it is not what I can use in this case. I need always that all 3 bets in the match are matched. 
Wthat ist the right variable to do this?
maybe I need to limit number of aktiv football mathces. and only if one of the previous is finished, activate another one.

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male

allbets_bm_num     is for all back bets that are matched

allbets_lm_num      is for all lay bets that are matched

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  • Posts: 58
An example:
I need to have placed 3 bets in each football match. u/o 0.5, u/o 1.5 and correct score.  max number of football maches is 5. so I need to have max 15 bets matched.
lets say I use the condition allbets_bm_num is less than 15
one u/o 0.5 bet is settled. The trigger will place new bet when allbets_bm_num is 14. but I need that all 3 bets in each monitored football matches are matched. not just one.
may be my explanation is not good enough :(

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
allbets_bm_num is equal or less than 13   in the o/u 0.5
so you have 3 bets to place up to 15

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  • Posts: 58
this will not working. 
if I add this condition to o/u05 and not in the others, trigger ou1.5 or correct score will place bet anyway.

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
i assumed that you had all 3 markets linked using the market prefixes before any bet was sent out to make sure that all 3 meet your conditions.
how do you make sure that there will be a bet made in all 3 markets now.

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  • All members
  • Posts: 58
I am using dutching formula. so I need all 3 bets are placed together. but you are right, I do not know how to ensure that all 3 are matched.
I could link two others to the o/u0.5. 

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
in your dutch trigger you should have.
and first block    (conditions)
check all 3 markets have available bets using the market prefixes
and second block       (conditions)
or the allbets_bm_num is equal to 0
or the allbets_bm_num is equal to 3
or the allbets_bm_num is equal to 6
or the allbets_bm_num is equal to 9
or the allbets_bm_num is equal to 12

if you have problems please request a free trigger alteration in the make me a trigger.

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The solution suggested above would work to count all bets in all markets you have added to the program.
If you need to only count bets placed across a specific event (i.e. a football match), I would suggest a different solution, so please post your request here:

Make me a trigger
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