Author Topic: How to trigger a bet only when the market has had lower odds for a second or two  (Read 2919 times)

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  • Posts: 4

I'm having trouble with my custom stop-loss triggering because of last minute trading and dumping, when the lay price falls below my price request for a split second.

What's the command I need to prevent the stop loss triggering unless the lay price has been lower than my limit for a second or two?

(in order to matched as best I can I load in the bet at 1.01, rather than bet at current odds and risk not getting matched)


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  • Posts: 63
So you want your trigger fired when the price has dropped in the last 2 seconds?
"tdif_0.033" will show you how the Back price has changed in the last 2 seconds.
use "ltdif_0.033" for lay price.
I hope that helps.


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE