Author Topic: I need a trigger with a peculiarity  (Read 5050 times)

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I need a trigger with a peculiarity
« on: 23 May 2019, 17:36 »
Hello Oxa, Good afternoon!

I have a need in a bot that surely you can help me. Here's the thing.

I need a bot for Galgos to make the WIN market in the following particularities: 

-Bet lay on a Galgo XX (Rank XX);

-Minimum and maximum Odds in Lay Price;

-Minimum number of runners (XXX);

-The bet must be by percentage responsibility (XX%) Banking;

- Start the bet from 0.40 seconds;

-Recovery cycles to be determined (XXX). OBS.: I want in a process of recoeration it will only recover the RED and not, RED + bet the current entry;

-Maximum Price (XXX) during the loss recovery cycle;

-Only 01 bet at a time on the market, waiting for the result of the previous race to know if it enters the recovery or not.

-I need Stop Loss and Stop Profit (maximum Loss and maximum Profit);

Now the most important thing:

I will use the same bot for some specific strategies within the same race (on some occasions). So, I need the bots and profiles not to do the recoverings with each other. 

Like this:

Profile 01 with the bot 01, in case of RED, can only go to recovery within your own profile and do not fetch a RED from another profile.

Briefly, they will not be able to communicate. RED has to be fetched within the profile itself, at its next entry and not in an entry close to profile 02 for example (since in profile 02, it may also be recovering or even Green). I don't want them to seek out the REDs.

Anyway, I hope you can get my need.

I put myself in the mood for any enventual doubt I have.

And I'll be in the expectation that you can help me with this.


Luana K Maciel

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Re: I need a trigger with a peculiarity
« Reply #1 on: 03 Jun 2019, 15:52 »
Hello Luana!

I can do what you have requested, but the amount of work required to develop and test these triggers exceeds the scope of a standard free request.

You can choose one of the following options:

1. Pay 9 GBP for this trigger request.


2. Request another trigger in the same topic.


3. Cancel this trigger request.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: I need a trigger with a peculiarity
« Reply #2 on: 04 Jun 2019, 18:10 »
Hello Oxa, Good afternoon! 

I made the payment via Neteller.

"My transaction ID for this payment is 212559668022795"

I await confirmation and commencement of work.

Do you understand my demand? 

Yes, I hope so.



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Re: I need a trigger with a peculiarity
« Reply #3 on: 08 Jun 2019, 18:38 »
Hello Oxa, Good afternoon! 

Could you give me a prediction on the completion of the trigger?

Thank you!


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Re: I need a trigger with a peculiarity
« Reply #4 on: 12 Jun 2019, 09:46 »

Please see your triggers attached.

The triggers will pursue a loss recovery plan independently from any other bets you will place either inside MarketFeeder Pro or using an external tool, such as the BetFair website.

Make sure you have tested the triggers in Test Mode.

To track the current loss, you can open the View Variables window and add the current_lss variable: it will show you the current amount of loss that needs to be recovered within the scope of these triggers.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: I need a trigger with a peculiarity
« Reply #5 on: 12 Jun 2019, 16:11 »
Hello Oxa, thanks for the trigger. 

I will test and give you a feedback! 

Now one detail: You did not put the REDS reset purposely because it can give error in the trigger? Is it possible to put the reset (nreds) on it? The idea is to remain in the 3 red. 

Or it's already inside the trigger and I haven't visualized it!??

I await news!



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Re: I need a trigger with a peculiarity
« Reply #6 on: 12 Jun 2019, 22:26 »
Sorry to disturb you here. 

But I wanted to see with you another question of the bot:

I open 3 different profiles... Sometimes it enters the 3 correctly... But when there is RED, he enters 1 profile first, does not enter the others and gives error from there... Could you review what it can be?

The error that appears is in the  "SelectionsTrigger Expression bet_cntr is equal to 0 "
Is there a conflict in this part?

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Re: I need a trigger with a peculiarity
« Reply #7 on: 13 Jun 2019, 19:12 »
Hello Oxa, after I changed the Profiles.... Looks like it got Ok the issue of entries... However, when some profile has RED, in recovery, if it recovers, it always seeks the value of RED already recovered... Sending the print to you see what's wrong.... That is, it is not resetting when you recover the RED... And keeps betting the same value as if it were in recovery.

In the waiting...


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Re: I need a trigger with a peculiarity
« Reply #8 on: 15 Jun 2019, 22:15 »
Hi Luana,

Sorry for the delay in my response.

if it recovers, it always seeks the value of RED already recovered

What is the value of the cycle_length constant in your triggers? In other words, how many steps does the loss recovery plan use to recover the loss?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: I need a trigger with a peculiarity
« Reply #9 on: 16 Jun 2019, 01:54 »
Hi, Oxa, good evening!  

I imagine the demand is great indeed! You're forgiven! lol  

So, I use only one step!  The big question is that when it recovers this RED, it does not reset ... it makes all other entries as if it were recovery always .... as I posted an example in the print above! 

I need you to reset it on the 3 network ... the "n_reds" condition I asked for at the beginning! the condition did not come on the trigger. that is, I need to after 3 reds, it reset the cycle and continue ......

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Re: I need a trigger with a peculiarity
« Reply #10 on: 16 Jun 2019, 14:37 »
So just to be clear, do you mean that cycle_length=1?

I have tested the triggers again: they revert back to the initial liability after the first profitable bet.

Since it does not happen in your MF Pro, I need to find out why. Please attach the logs of the triggers called "após a perda ser recuperada" and "depois de um ganho" for the market 13 June 13:06 Romfd.

Here is a video tutorial showing how to find the necessary logs (starting from minute 02:53).

I need you to reset it on the 3 network ... the "n_reds" condition I asked for at the beginning! the condition did not come on the trigger. that is, I need to after 3 reds, it reset the cycle and continue ..

I did not find it in the original trigger description, but I've added it to the triggers. See the new constant max_lsses in the attached triggers.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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