Author Topic: Implement POM/WOM (plus some other things) into the standard repetitive trigger  (Read 8782 times)

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I am new, so I started from the standard MF triggers.
I want to implement some features into this trigger:

First, I wanted to add some WOM and POM condition (I know, there are false moneys at the markets, but anyway, POM and WOM are needed in my opinion).
So I made two plus conditions into it, see:
- one is selection's WOM is greater than 0.5
- second is back/lay volume is greater than 1

Did I do it well?

My second question is that I've read in the manual about back_volume and lay_volume that I need to turn the option "Retrieve all price offers" on. So it means, I have to manually open the markets into full mode? So it means, if I want to use this trigger completely automatted way, than it will calculate the POM using from all 3 prices, and if I can use this trigger a so-called "semi-automatted" mode (eg. I can open the markets manually to full mode) then the POM value can be more accurate?

My third question is: This standard trigger repeats itself. How can I implement a staking plan? More precisely: if after a trading cycle the results are in negative I would like to double the stake for the next cycle. And of course if it turns into positive then it should be stop (as I'll describe it in the next question).

And another one: how can I implement to stop at a winner? If I write this condition into the trigger:
and Market's Settled P/L is greater than 0.1 can be the solution for "stop-at-a-winner"? (see:

So, basically, my main goal is to modify this above, original, standard MF trigger in order to start to "backing and greening up" feature when a significant chance appears for the proce will shorten. What is your opinions about it, guys?

Thank you


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- one is selection's WOM is greater than 0.5
- second is back/lay volume is greater than 1
Did I do it well?

Yes, very well.

My second question is that I've read in the manual about back_volume and lay_volume that I need to turn the option "Retrieve all price offers" on.

Only if you're interested in offers outside the three current best prices.

So it means, I have to manually open the markets into full mode?

Oh no, the modes are purely for the convenience of viewing the market. You can have it in any mode you like, all the data is downloaded and processed independently of what way of displaying it you have chosen.

My third question is: This standard trigger repeats itself. How can I implement a staking plan? More precisely: if after a trading cycle the results are in negative I would like to double the stake for the next cycle. And of course if it turns into positive then it should be stop (as I'll describe it in the next question).

It's quite hard to apply staking plans to offset betting because you can't (even theoretically) predict the profit you will win at the start of the betting. So you double the stake, but it may turn out the price movements are feeble so you never get your money back if you see what I mean. However, if you are determined, see the attached trigger file reworked to include the simple plan (sorry, didn't have time to incorporate your custom conditions, please add them from what you already have created). But then you might want to skip some races if they start refreshing before the previous market is settled, right?

And another one: how can I implement to stop at a winner?

It's in the attached trigger file too. If you want to keep going after a profit, just remove the first condition in the backing trigger.

By the way, now that you've got your 5 posts, it's much more convenient for the audience (and probably for you too) if you attach screenshots right inside your messages.

Good luck with your triggers!
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Thank you, I'll take a look it now and tomorrow. :)

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It's quite hard to apply staking plans to offset betting because you can't (even theoretically) predict the profit you will win at the start of the betting. So you double the stake, but it may turn out the price movements are feeble so you never get your money back if you see what I mean. However, if you are determined, see the attached trigger file reworked to include the simple plan (sorry, didn't have time to incorporate your custom conditions, please add them from what you already have created). But then you might want to skip some races if they start refreshing before the previous market is settled, right?

Hmmm. For the first read I didn't understand, I have to admit. But after the second reading, suddenly I understood. So, no, I don't want to increase the stake after a losing market (so it doesn't matter if the last horse racing has loss P/L...). I would like to increase the stake only if the first cycle wasn't succesfull.

So, the trigger detects a significant chance that the price will move downward (because of the price moving, because of the POM and WOM pressure), so it places a back bet. And hopefully, later a lay bet. The original trigger did this repetitively. Of course, it can be happen that the chance was a "false alarm", because of some false money, or the price just didn't fall enough, etc. So the result is a loss. Then I need to repeat the cycle from the beginning, but with an increased amount for the same market, for the same pre-event circumstance - of course.

By-the-way, later, I thought, that it should be stop if the P/L figure is in positive (stop-at-a-winner).

And of course, for the next race (BTW, this trigger is for horse racing only, at least this is my intention) it starts from the beginning, so it doesn't need to remember the P/L figure.

So, yes, it means, becasue of the stop-loss condition, that if the first cycle is a succesfull one, it is done, and never repeat the cycle at that particular market (not as the original one which is a repetitive trigger).

Anyway, tomorrow morning, I will implement for this modified trigger the POM/WOM figures and starting to test.

Thank you


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I attached where am I at the moment.
With my "so big brain" I realised, I need to set a little higher value for the POM and WOM... ;D 'Cause the 0.5 for WOM and 1.0 for POM is only the border, not a real indicator for a proce movement. But I would like to ask you some things, if you have some time or intention to help me.  :)

1. First of all, if the first back to lay cycle is a loss, I would like to double the stake, and Oxa attached it how to do that but it didn't do it. Here is a screenshot about it.

2. Secondly, can I ask if it is the right formula if I want it to stop for the first time when it reaches a positive profit?
Now I made this condition: Market's Settled P/L is less than 0.05
But it looks like it didn't doubled at the first unsuccessful "back to lay" cycle but doubled the stake for the next market....

3. Thirdly, can I ask you, which are the best, optimal values for a trigger like this one (which is attached)? I want to catch a price movement with the highest chance...
Now this is the main conditions:
- Selection's Back price leap is greater than 0
- Selection's Back price dif over 0.15 mins is less than 0
- Selection's Back price is equal or greater than than r_ticks(lay_price, -2)
- Selection's WOM is greater than 0.66
- Selection's Trigger expression back_volume/lay_volume is between 1.3 and 3.0
The first three is still from the official MF trigger, but maybe you know some better, optimised values for them?

Thanks for helping. :)


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I'm still struggling to create a simple "price movement catcher trigger".
Now I've read the manual again, and made some modifications, but now it didn't do anything at all...

As I mentioned earlier, I know that WOM and POM aren't the right indicators, so I needed to add into the trigger some others. So I wanted to evaluate the actual price movements. So I wanted to try this: after I change the refresh rates to 0.50 sec. if in the last 4 refreshes (eg. 2 seconds) the price jumped 2 ticks downward it is an indicator.
So I added these two lines:
Selection's Back Ticks Dif over 0.033 min is equal or less than -2
Setupped the Back price leap like this:
Selection's Back Price Leap is less than 0

But as I said, the trigger doens't start at all, so it means something is wrong with my idea or how I added it into the trigger.

Here are the conditions:

Can somebody help in this? (and also if someone has the time to help me about the last posts issues (stop-at-a-winner and doubling-the-stake) would be marvellous).

Thank you

So I basically mo  search for some others. So I found ee So, basically, as you can see


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