Author Topic: last_lost question  (Read 2816 times)

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last_lost question
« on: 21 Jun 2014, 15:40 »
So I have a trigger that is using last_lost to calculate stake. The trigger does what it should but on occasion, it doesn't work. The reason is when you have a race that starts a little late. If that race runs and loses, while the next race is still running and wins, then there is no last_lost. Is there anyway around this?



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Re: last_lost question
« Reply #1 on: 21 Jun 2014, 22:01 »
last_lost is a win/lose history variable and therefore requires the previous triggered event's status to be settled. Add a condition block to the betting trigger:
     trigger <betting trigger name> number of runs is equal to 0 overall
     or previous triggered events status is settled
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Re: last_lost question
« Reply #2 on: 22 Jun 2014, 12:46 »
would that prevent the next betting event from happening at all until the previous bet is settled?

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Re: last_lost question
« Reply #3 on: 22 Jun 2014, 13:12 »
Yes. To determine if the previous bet won or lost the previous betting event needs to be settled. The condition block prevents betting in subsequent markets until the previous betting event is settled.
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