Author Topic: In-play, horse racing triggers [TCKT13052013MRK]  (Read 26076 times)

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Hi guys,

I have registered for a trial of your software to see if I can automate my trading method. I wonder if you could tell me if the following questions can be answered with your software:

What is the distance of the race, e.g. 2 miles, 6 furlongs, 1 mile 2 furlongs, etc?
How many places are being paid?
During in-play, how long since the market went in-play?
During in-play, how many runners are trading below a certain price, e.g. 20.0

Thanks in advance for your help.

All the best,


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Re: In-play, horse racing triggers
« Reply #1 on: 13 May 2013, 08:39 »
I have now seen the "market length" variable so I will convert this from metres to miles/furlongs.

So, I will create a variable called "wait" which will be the in-play time to wait before trading the market. Which variable is the current time in play please, and is it seconds or minutes?

How would I set the variable "wait" based on the time in play and how would I compare it to the in-play time? I think I understand the basic processes but I'm not sure how to structure the code, e.g. subroutines, header code, etc.



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Re: In-play, horse racing triggers
« Reply #2 on: 13 May 2013, 08:41 »
One final question for now. I will be trading the place market but the information I need will be from the win market. Can I access both markets for each selection?



  • Élite
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Re: In-play, horse racing triggers
« Reply #3 on: 13 May 2013, 08:43 »
for the distance it is  market_length  (in metres)
for the places it is markets number of places
for the time since in-play it is event_off (date and time the market turned in-play)
for the runners under 20.00 it is
and selections back_price is less than 20
then you use the matching number is equal or less than (your required amount)


please use the marketfeeder pro forum for these questions as this is for xfeeder
Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: In-play, horse racing triggers
« Reply #4 on: 13 May 2013, 08:55 »
Brilliant! Yes . I didn't want to mention the name because it is a paid strategy but if you can help me with this I will be very grateful. I have posted on the correct forum now, apologies.



  • Élite
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Re: In-play, horse racing triggers [TCKT13052013MRK]
« Reply #5 on: 13 May 2013, 11:35 »
i will work on this later today.

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Re: In-play, horse racing triggers [TCKT13052013MRK]
« Reply #6 on: 13 May 2013, 11:50 »
Brilliant! That's great news :)

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Re: In-play, horse racing triggers [TCKT13052013MRK]
« Reply #7 on: 13 May 2013, 16:54 »
Since this is a system currently sold on the internet, it may not be a good idea to post the triggers on an open web site.

It really should only be those that have purchased the method that obtain the triggers and even then it could be dodgy for welldone to have them on their site.

I purchased the system and created triggers for it.  They do work, but so far I haven't achieved the returns that the system claims, but then the author doesn't believe it can be automated satisfactorily.   They may need some tweaking.

  • Élite
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Re: In-play, horse racing triggers [TCKT13052013MRK]
« Reply #8 on: 13 May 2013, 17:26 »
this trigger uses the WIN and PLACE markets to make it's selection.
you can
set the amount to bet in the constants
set the minimum distance (in metres) in the constants
set the maximum distance (in metres) in the constants
set the minimum runners in the constants
set the maximum runners in the constants
set the PLACE favourite minimum price
set the PLACE favourite maximum price
set the maximum price for the x favourite in the win market
set the maximum number of place market places that you want to bet in
set the maximum Lay price for the favourite in the win market (bet less than)
set the time before the race finishes to start placing the bet

this trigger uses the win market information to place a bet on the favourite in the place market.
so you must have both win and place markets in my markets and both markets must be monitored at least 30 seconds before the race starts.

THIS SET OF TRIGGERS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY COMMERCIAL HORSE RACING SYSTEM or any other betting system, it is a set of triggers that can be set by the user to help him/her to place bets


please use test mode until you are happy with your settings

please download the trigger below
Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: In-play, horse racing triggers [TCKT13052013MRK]
« Reply #9 on: 13 May 2013, 17:30 »
Thanks for getting this organised so quickly, much appreciated. I can't see the link to download the triggers though, could you check the post and let me know.



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Re: In-play, horse racing triggers [TCKT13052013MRK]
« Reply #10 on: 13 May 2013, 17:31 »
Forget that - found it! :)

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Re: In-play, horse racing triggers [TCKT13052013MRK]
« Reply #11 on: 13 May 2013, 20:25 »

I've looked through the trigger file and I think I understand most of it. Thanks again for sorting it so quickly. I have one query which hopefully you can clarify for me.

How is the waiting time (i.e. after the market goes in play) calculated? I can't get my head around the formula at the moment.

Thanks again,


  • Élite
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Re: In-play, horse racing triggers [TCKT13052013MRK]
« Reply #12 on: 13 May 2013, 21:14 »
maybe this will help
but before v7 mfp,it was not is seconds, now it is a mix between the 2, the now_time is the old format,but now we can use mfp_seconds/mfp_minutes and mfp_hours, it makes life easier.
sometimes it is easier just to use what we have without going in to mathematics, because it makes your brain hurt.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: In-play, horse racing triggers [TCKT13052013MRK]
« Reply #13 on: 14 May 2013, 07:35 »
Thanks mcbee.

On this basis could you let me know the wait time you have used for each of the race distances.

Thanks again,


  • Élite
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Re: In-play, horse racing triggers [TCKT13052013MRK]
« Reply #14 on: 14 May 2013, 08:03 »
the time is pre set to 33 seconds before the finish.
you can set this and all the others in the constants at the top of the open trigger
to extend the constants area
hover the mouse pointer near the bottom of the constants area and the mouse pointer will change to 2 horizontal lines, when this happens press and hold the left mouse button, drag the mouse down until you have full view of the constants.
or you can use the scroll bar at the side of the constants area to scroll down until you see the constant that you want to alter.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE