  • #1 by chordata on 08 Sep 2012
  • hello everyone...

    I need help... I try to learn alone until today because I really didn't understand why this don't work

    I have a trigger that lay correct score 10 euros at 60minutes soccer game

    but, if the score change after a bet 10 euros, I want lay more 10 euros in the new correct score

    For instance

    at 60Minutes
    score 1-0
    I bet lay 10 euros in 1-0  (everything fine here)

    at 75 Minutes
    score 2-0
    I want Lay more 10 euros in 2-0

    My trigger

    Market's name contains "correct score" (OK)
    and Market's Number of Matched Lay Bets is equal to 1 (OK)
    and Market's Minutes Since the off is greater than 60 (OK)
    and Market's Score has changed (WTF!!!!!)

    in the game, this last condition don't work? why? What Do I wrong? :-[


  • #2 by rubold on 08 Sep 2012
  • You haven't specified your selection in the conditions.  Market score has changed, will not select the current score.  I have never used this condition so can't really comment further on its suitability.

    I would have though that after 60 min (although remember that is only approx the start of the second half)  the current score would be the favourite, so try changing your trigger to lay on the Favourite.
  • #3 by pcal72 on 08 Sep 2012
  • HI

    "and Market's Score has changed (WTF!!!!!)" dont work probably because your in-play refresh rate ate to hi.

    I have this troblem to and solved it whith a check in selection someting like this:

    exemple if wont lay in 1-1:

    and selection index is equal to 6
    and market_score1 is equal to 1
    and market_score2 is equal to 1
    and selection number matched lay bets is equal to 0
    and market minutes since the off is grather than xxxx

    if new goals occur then :

    and selection index is equal to (INDEX OF NEW RESULT)
    and market_score1 is equal to (VALUE OF NEW RESULT)
    and market_score2 is equal to (VALUE FOR NEW RESULT)
    and selection number matched lay bets is equal to 0
    and market minutes since the off is grather than xxxx

    all this in individual groups OR

    hope this help you
