  • #1 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 30 Sep 2013
  • This is a Google-translated copy from a support request:

    Hello, I'm betting trader for 2 years, use some strategies according to game time, with prior analysis, however, have a formal work which takes me a bit of time, so I wonder if it is possible to trigger this?
    Trigger: Betting on the market over the time Goals Half-Time (range), and for that the trigger will have to identify what the score of the matches then make the bet on the market with a back with odd minimum stipulated.

    This is the original message in Portuguese:

    Ola, sou trader de Apostas há 2 anos, uso algumas estratégias de acordo com o tempo do jogo,com análise prévia, porém, tenho um trabalho formal o qual me ocupa um bocado de tempo,então gostaria de saber se esse trigger é possivel?
    Trigger:Apostar no mercado over Golos no momento Half-Time(intervalo),sendo que para isso o trigger terá que identificar qual o placar da partidae então realizar a aposta no mercado com um back com odd minima estipulada.
  • #2 by MarkV on 30 Sep 2013
  • Hi
    Please give an example
    Por favor, dê um exemplo