Author Topic: Lay according to number of starters  (Read 8959 times)

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Lay according to number of starters
« on: 21 Oct 2014, 20:56 »
I'm after a trigger  for horse racing that will place a fixed liability SP bet of Var?, bet Var? secs after official start time, if total matched amount exceeds Var?, last matched bet is >= Var? which is dependent on number of actual starters Var?. Would I need to link this to excel with a vlookup, or could it all be done within MF?

Var? means a user defined amount.


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Re: Lay according to number of starters
« Reply #1 on: 21 Oct 2014, 21:16 »
Hi and welcome
That can all be done in the program without linking to Excel.

Some examples of your criteria "translated" to trigger conditions:
markets minutes since the off is greater than 0.25
and markets matched volume is greater than 500000
and selections last traded price is equal or greater than 2.80
and markets number of selections is less than 12

However, if you want to do lookups from an Excel sheet or text file, e.g. selection names and prices, that can be done too.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Lay according to number of starters
« Reply #2 on: 21 Oct 2014, 22:03 »
Thanks for the reply MarkV. How would you 'stack' the Var? of price to Var? number of starters, like an IF/OR statement. For example in plain English: If # starters is 6 and last traded price is >=  60 trigger, but if # starters is 7 and last traded price is >= 70 trigger, and so on.

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Re: Lay according to number of starters
« Reply #3 on: 21 Oct 2014, 22:59 »
You would use trigger conditions to do that. The conditions can be quite complex if required. You can download a pdf manual here if you want to have a look. Section 8.4.8 explains the operators and functions.

You can also use IF statements in price / amount formulas:
here I am saying lay £50 if selections lay price is less than 10, otherwise lay £20

so your example:

lay £10 liability on 3rd ranking selection if
markets number of selections is 6
and 3rd ranking selections LTP is equal or greater than 60
lay £20 liability on 3rd ranking selection if
markets number of selections is 7
and 3rd ranking selections LTP is equal or greater than 70
back fav if
favs back price is between 1.50 and 1.85
and 2nd fav back price is at least 30 ticks higher than favs back price

Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Lay according to number of starters
« Reply #4 on: 21 Oct 2014, 23:08 »
Have looked at the manual but it's the switch to open the logical operator, I can't find?

The manual describes the OR, AND etc but how do you make a drop down screen appear to apply one?

It's probably obvious, but just not to this newbie :)

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Re: Lay according to number of starters
« Reply #5 on: 21 Oct 2014, 23:14 »
In the trigger editor click the block or condition as shown in the attached screenshot.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Lay according to number of starters
« Reply #6 on: 21 Oct 2014, 23:47 »
Mmmmh!!...What you're showing in the screenshot and what I'm seeing don't match. I think I'll just pay to get a trigger built. Thanks anyway.

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Re: Lay according to number of starters
« Reply #7 on: 23 Oct 2014, 21:06 »
I've had to reply to my own post as I've finally worked it out. I've come across this occurrence with many different software's. The software developers need to pull someone in off the street, a complete novice, and say, "Here read this manual and see if you can get anything to work?" Coz that's certainly not the case here!

I couldn't get my screen to replicate the screenshot sent by MarkV, until I clicked the mouse pointer in the Condition space. I've attached a screenshot that should be considered for inclusion in the manual, as you just see this magical page in the text, but no steps on getting there.

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Re: Lay according to number of starters
« Reply #8 on: 24 Oct 2014, 01:49 »
Seeing as no one is interested in writing a trigger for me, I'll keep pushing ahead to try and write it myself. The attachment (excel) is basically what I'm trying to adapt into MFPro. Constants (I think that's what they're called) would be:
Fixed Liability of $x
Min matched amount of $x
If all conditions met place SP bet x secs after official start time
Then I have a formula to count number of runners
Then I reference that with the price of last matched Back amount, for any participant in the race, using a nested IF/And function preloaded with variables.

Can someone help me with the structure and format of this OR how to make the trigger be determined from excel. I've found that the excel connection just becomes too huge a number crunching exercise with this software. So many sheets for a days racing that it ends up freezing.
Thanks in anticipation.

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Re: Lay according to number of starters
« Reply #9 on: 24 Oct 2014, 17:43 »

I have made up a sample trigger with constants for your reference only ie it's not a workable trigger other than in testing/messing about.

In the constants you can adjust,
maximum runners,
minimum volume,
time to bet,
fixed liability amount for lays,
minimum back price,
maximum lay price,
back amount.

first trigger deletes unsuitable markets,
second backs one selection of greater rank than 3 and less than 7
third lays greater rank than 5, fixed liablilty.

one back and lay bet per race.
You can change using the Selections tab in each trigger.

You can add other constants at the top of the file, and then reference them in the conditions part of the firing trigger.

Maybe it will help you get going with your creations. you can import your excel calculations if you need to. In any case, it killed an hour while I ran some dog tests myself

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Re: Lay according to number of starters
« Reply #10 on: 24 Oct 2014, 20:28 »
Onya LarpHager, I'll check it out. Once I'm shown how to construct a set of %*#?? (blocks, constants, variance.....whatever), I'm sure that the sky will be the limit!

Thanks heaps!  :)

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Re: Lay according to number of starters
« Reply #11 on: 25 Oct 2014, 20:55 »

I have made up a sample trigger with constants for your reference only ie it's not a workable trigger other than in testing/messing about.

In the constants you can adjust,
maximum runners,
minimum volume,
time to bet,
fixed liability amount for lays,
minimum back price,
maximum lay price,
back amount.

first trigger deletes unsuitable markets,
second backs one selection of greater rank than 3 and less than 7
third lays greater rank than 5, fixed liablilty.

one back and lay bet per race.
You can change using the Selections tab in each trigger.

You can add other constants at the top of the file, and then reference them in the conditions part of the firing trigger.

Maybe it will help you get going with your creations. you can import your excel calculations if you need to. In any case, it killed an hour while I ran some dog tests myself

Hi Larp,

I'm starting to get into this. In constants, I've added min_runners. Now this is where it gets  tricky. From the excel .gif I sent you'll see that I have nested IF(AND) conditions ( =IF(AND{last back price}>60 and {no. of runners=5 ) and so the trigger.

Where would I insert that function? OR do I need a list of constants with a last back price for each number of runners with OR between them?

Not sure, maybe you can help.


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