Author Topic: lay all selections  (Read 2293 times)

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lay all selections
« on: 05 Nov 2013, 14:16 »
I wanted to know if you can create a bot that will automatically scan for markets to open and soon as they see an open market it lays all events and the selections with a particular odd, amount and also puts them in keep mode.
I have seen many around but i want ones that can scan markets and be quick to react.

For example
I want it to scan for win markets in horse races, as soon as markets open for the following day it will lay all selections with the parameters configured. i want the bot to react as soon as it sees the market open in betfair not 1 minute later or 5 minute later etc...
I want to scan 24-7 but soon as its run on a market not to run on that market again.
possible allow multiple bets to occur on same selection using different odds and liability etc...


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE