Author Topic: Lay bet after x number of matched bets  (Read 8909 times)

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Lay bet after x number of matched bets
« on: 20 Feb 2014, 17:00 »
I am requiring some help with a trigger that will place a lay bet
from the fourth back bet onwards.
This will involve a two player event like tennis or baseball.
The previous 3 back bets could be on both players but not at the same time.
Usually several minutes apart.
example:                                                        Amount
Bet 1 Back bet is placed/matched on Murray 10.00
Bet 2 Back bet is placed/matched on Nadal   15.00
Bet 3 Back bet is placed/matched on Murray  20.00
Bet 4 Back bet is placed/matched on Nadal    25.00
Now comes the trigger I need.
I want to place a lay bet on same player (Nadal) of
same amount as previous back bet
in this case 25.00 at x ticks lower than the back price
I need it to repeat each time the back trigger is fired.
The only exemption is the very first three back bets.
Thanks in advance for any help

My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Lay bet after x number of matched bets
« Reply #1 on: 20 Feb 2014, 19:07 »
Will the unmatched lay bet get matched or cancelled before the next back bet is submitted?
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Re: Lay bet after x number of matched bets
« Reply #2 on: 20 Feb 2014, 20:25 »
Hi Mark,
The short answer is 'no'
The next back bet will be placed when conditions prevail, so I'd need to cancel the lay about the same time.
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Lay bet after x number of matched bets
« Reply #3 on: 21 Feb 2014, 12:28 »
The attached trigger will submit a back and lay bet at the same time only if the number of matched back bets in the market is greater than 3.
In the constant you can set the number of ticks lower than the back price
Depending on your backing triggers, in the amount box you would put either the actual amount, or the same formula you have in your backing triggers.

Please use test mode to test it.
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Re: Lay bet after x number of matched bets
« Reply #4 on: 21 Feb 2014, 13:59 »
Hi Mark,
Actually, I don't need a back trigger, just a lay trigger to lay a bet equal in amount to the previous back bet from my existing trigger.
The existing back trigger could bet on either of the two players.
So, how it works is after my back trigger fires four times the lay trigger I need will place a lay bet at say 4 ticks lower than the odds the existing back trigger and ad same amount.
Bet 1   £10 back bet by existing trigger
Bet 2   £15 back bet by existing trigger
Bet 3   £20 back bet by existing trigger
Bet 4   £25 back bet by existing trigger  @ 1.80
New lay trigger
Bet 4a £25 lay bet by new lay trigger     @ 1.76
if the existing back trigger fires again then cancel the unmatched lay bet
as below.
Bet 5   £30 back bet by existing trigger  @ 1.64
Bet 5a £30 lay bet by new lay trigger     @ 1.60
if the new lay bet is matched then do nothing until existing
back trigger fires again, in which case repeat process.
So, only a lay trigger required.

Hope that is a bit clearer and apologies for any murkiness
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Lay bet after x number of matched bets
« Reply #5 on: 21 Feb 2014, 17:47 »
Sorry, I did not explain. The trigger is an example for your trigger.
The idea is 2 backing triggers:
1 backing trigger for bets 1 to 3 to execute 3 times only
1 combined backing and laying trigger for bets 4 and subsequent bets.
The condition in the second trigger should be corrected to:
and markets number of matched back bets is equal or greater than 3

I hope this makes sense.
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Re: Lay bet after x number of matched bets
« Reply #6 on: 21 Feb 2014, 19:42 »
Hi Mark,

Thanks for the explanation.
The first trigger "Back 1 to 3" is my Back trigger.
The second trigger "Back 4 and subsequent" has a Back trigger included with the Lay one, which confuses me.
I want the new "Lay" trigger to interact with the "Back 1 to 3" for all "Lay" bets
The "Back 1 to 3" is the only back trigger I need and fires without any reference to the "Lay" trigger. It may fire any number of times.
The "Back 1 to 3" trigger could be named "Back 1 to 100".
I'd need a Lay trigger and a cancel trigger to cancel any unmatched lay bets when the
"Back 1 to 100" trigger fires.
The "Lay" trigger fires from the 4th matched "Back 1 to 100" and everytime thereafter.
Trust this clarification helps and thanks for your patience
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Lay bet after x number of matched bets
« Reply #7 on: 21 Feb 2014, 20:26 »
It would be a lot easier if I could work on your backing trigger file.

Because there is no way to track individual bets, and you will have multiple back bets on both selections, my suggestion in the above trigger was:
2x identical copies of your own backing trigger

1st copy executes 3 times only doing only back bets and then stops working

2nd copy has a second action added for your lay bet and starts executing after the 1st copy stops working. i.e. after 3 matched back bets

This way, the conditions used for back bets 4 and onwards are the same conditions used for the lay bet, and the same selection is identified from the conditions.

Attached is a lay bet trigger on it's own. I can't see how to tell it which selection to bet on, which is why I was suggesting the above method.

I might be having a block on this, but I can't see how it can be done otherwise. Maybe by a remember trigger?
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Re: Lay bet after x number of matched bets
« Reply #8 on: 21 Feb 2014, 21:50 »
Hi Mark,
My Back trigger is not finished yet, I'm still working on it so not wanting to confuse further. But to let you know it will just keep betting every time on the new fav in the event. Hence the player name or index will change.
The lay trigger is fine.
* It will fire every time the "Back 1 to 100" fires from the 4th bet onwards.
* Can we use a "remember" action to identify A) the "Back" trigger and B)
   The number of times the "Back" trigger has fired, rather than just matched back bets.?
* I'd need a formula to place exact same bet amount on the "Lay" bet as that of the
   "Back" bet.
* Lastly I'd need a cancel trigger to cancel unmatched Lay bet when my "Back" bet
   trigger fires.
If it can be done then great or if not it can't be helped but thanks for your efforts on it.
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Lay bet after x number of matched bets
« Reply #9 on: 21 Feb 2014, 22:10 »
Can we use a "remember" action to identify A) the "Back" trigger and B)
   The number of times the "Back" trigger has fired, rather than just matched back bets.?
and trigger "Back" number of runs is equal to x

I'd need a formula to place exact same bet amount on the "Lay" bet as that of the "Back" bet.
bm_backa (The amount of the last non-SP matched back bet that you placed on the selection)

Lastly I'd need a cancel trigger to cancel unmatched Lay bet when my "Back" bet trigger fires.
add another action as the first action of your back bet trigger: cancel lay

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Re: Lay bet after x number of matched bets
« Reply #10 on: 21 Feb 2014, 23:25 »
Hi Mark,
Sorry, I'd temporarily forgot that "backa"was last non sp back bet amount.
I've added the conditions you mentioned and will test on Saturday.
Thank you once again
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.

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Re: Lay bet after x number of matched bets
« Reply #11 on: 24 Feb 2014, 20:11 »
Thanks Mark,
Lay trigger now working.
I'm still working on the back trigger
My grandma taught me not to run downstairs and never back odds on.


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