  • #1 by Sandi Križanic on 25 Jul 2016
  • I tried on my own but it's not working...

    When going inplay Lay default_laya on selection Draw:

    favourite volume % is greater than 80%
    and Draw Lay Price is less than 4
    and Market Volume is greater than 50000
    (no matter if fav is one goal behind)

    If found such a selection, lay default laya on Over 0.5 on other market (for insurance)

    As soon goal is scored, green up match odds.

    Delete all markets where fav volume % is less than 80 % and also delete coresponded Under/Over 0.5 market

    Thank you

  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 05 Aug 2016
  • Hello!

    Please see your triggers attached. In the constants inside the file, you can set the fav's minimum volume, the Draw's maximum price, the minimum market volume and the time at which the market should be checked for the fav's volume and deleted.

    In order for the triggers to work correctly, you must add the following markets in each match you are going to trade in:

    - Match Odds
    - Over/Under 0.5

    You can use the attached Market Locator template file (extension .mfl) to automatically search for the markets and add them.

    You must start refreshing the markets roughly at 1 minute before the off (unless you change the mins_before_start constant to a larger value). Use the "Start monitoring events at ... mins before the off" setting in "Monitoring Options".

    Make sure you have tested the triggers in Test Mode.
  • #3 by Sandi Križanic on 08 Aug 2016
  • Excellent, thank you! I will pimp this trigger a liitle and I'll get back with the results.
    Thank you!