Author Topic: Lay greyhound trigger from a txt file  (Read 4349 times)

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Lay greyhound trigger from a txt file
« on: 25 Nov 2021, 01:43 »

Hello, there. How is it going ?!

I would like, if it is possible, a trigger that input Lay to a greyhound from a txt file. The txt file content will be the greyhound names only. Generally is between 5 to 50 races per day. The following constants are: 

1. minimum odd (1)
2. maximum odd (100)
3. maximum profit % based on the bankroll (adjustable)
4. maximum amount of red/loss (adjustable)
5. maximum simultaneous entries (2) (make it adjustable if it is possible)
6. minimum number of greyhounds in the race (6)
7. start searching the market 1 minute before the race starts
8. make the bet on the race 30 seconds before it starts
9. Volume of money in the market (adjustable)
10. value (amount of money) to bet with 0 red
11. value (amount of money) to bet with 1 red
12. value (amount of money) to bet with 2 red
13. value (amount of money) to bet with 3 red
14. value (amount of money) to bet with 4 red
15. value (amount of money) to bet with 5 red

P.S - I don't know if it is relevant, but i will be betting on UK/Ireland greyhounds racing.

Thank you in advanced. Have a great day! 

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Re: Lay greyhound trigger from a txt file
« Reply #1 on: 13 Dec 2021, 12:44 »

Please see your triggers attached along with the Market Locator market search template. Configure market scheduler in Monitoring Options to run this search once a day.

Use the constants inside the file to adjust the trigger settings.

To load selections from a file, use the Import selections for auto-trading feature. Watch this video for instructions:

I am attaching a sample list of selections to import.

Make sure you've tested the triggers in Test Mode before you switch to real money.

If you'd like to make any changes to the original trigger description, please make a new trigger request.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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