Author Topic: [TR] Lay on Back  (Read 2854 times)

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[TR] Lay on Back
« on: 30 Aug 2016, 02:40 »
Hi to all

Could you please check my notes and make a trigger that places a lay bets with greening and trailing stop loss, in play horse racing with repeat ?

I would like to:

1. Place a Lay bets if
a) selection's lay price is greater than selection's back price for 1 or more,
b) difference between selection's first best back price offered and second best back price offered is greater than 1
c) selection's back price is in between 4 and 6

2. Place a Lay bet on third best back price offered, with fixed liability like 50 (or maybe it would be better to set amount available to lay at third best back price offered ?)

3. Green up with profit greater than 0 after each lay bet is matched.

4. Trailing stop loss  - 10 ticks

4. Close block - block with repeated triggers ?
-selection's back unmatched is equal to 0
-selection's lay unmatched is equal to 0
triger lay number of runs per selection is greater than 0
trigger green up number of runs per selection is greater than 0
trigger Trailing stop loss ???

5. Solving problem with unmatched lay bets:
Please correct me if I'm Brief Mode, under 1st, 2nd and 3rd back price there is amount available to lay at that 1st, 2nd and 3rd back price ? Is that matched or unmatched money and how does it effect our lay bet amount ?
Is there a condition that could prevent laying on 3rd best back price if there is no amount available to lay ?

In situation where is a gap between 3rd, 2nd and 1st best back price, could it be better to lay at custom ticks above 3rd best back price to have better chance for matching lay bet ?

If there is no better solution for every unmatched lay bet on 3rd best back price, could it be updated instantly to 2nd best back price or any other price that is bellow 1st best back price  ?

Thank you for your time and help

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Re: Lay on Back
« Reply #1 on: 07 Sep 2016, 10:58 »

Please see your triggers attached as requested. Use the constants to adjust the triggers.
With regards to unmatched bets, I've added a trigger to automatically re-post your unmatched bet after wait_seconds since the original bet. The price is determined by match_tcks, and the bet's liability will be recalculated accordingly. Also, the initial trigger lays to the fixed liability, provided it does not exceed the amount available at the third back price, otherwise it lays exactly the amount available.

Make sure you've tested the triggers in Test Mode.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: [TR] Lay on Back
« Reply #2 on: 12 Sep 2016, 23:55 »

I will try it in test mode...


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