Author Topic: lay only if there isnt a clear favourite  (Read 5843 times)

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lay only if there isnt a clear favourite
« on: 14 Jan 2014, 01:33 »

I'm making a trigger to lay on favourite which should only act in case there is no clear favourite on the market. In this particular case, a clear favourite is one that has 20% more probability of winning than the 2nd favourite. Can you help me on how to define that "clear favourite" in a trigger ?


  • Élite
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Re: lay only if there isnt a clear favourite
« Reply #1 on: 14 Jan 2014, 06:40 »
you use the condition.
and second favourites back price is equal or less than r_1_back_price*1.20
r = rank
1 = first favourite
1.20 = 20%
change to .20 to .10 for 10%
so the above will only place a bet if the 1st and 2nd favs are within 20% of each other.
so 2nd fav has to be 3.00*1.20=3.60 or less

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Re: lay only if there isnt a clear favourite
« Reply #2 on: 15 Jan 2014, 04:49 »
Thanks for you help mcbee!!  :D

Its working fine, i would like your help in other questions if possible

- i've seen examples on how to implement stop loss in a trigger, however i would like to know if (and how) it's possible to make a recover loss feature like setting how much to recover (% of the stake lost), max liability for the "recovery stake", how much "recovery stakes" losses (1/2/3), return to initial stake after.

- how do i set a condition on a trigger that limits its action to markets where the min/max overround is a certain pre-defined value ? (ex 85%/115%)

  • Élite
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Re: lay only if there isnt a clear favourite
« Reply #3 on: 15 Jan 2014, 06:53 »
- i've seen examples on how to implement stop loss in a trigger, however i would like to know if (and how) it's possible to make a recover loss feature like setting how much to recover (% of the stake lost), max liability for the "recovery stake", how much "recovery stakes" losses (1/2/3), return to initial stake after.
you would have to give examples of bets and prices to work out a fornula.

- how do i set a condition on a trigger that limits its action to markets where the min/max overround is a certain pre-defined value ? (ex 85%/115%)
use the conditions
and markets back book% is equal or less than (the maxmum amount you want 103.50 for a reasonable market)
and markets lay book% is equal or greater than (the minmum amount you want 97.50 for a reasonable market)

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Re: lay only if there isnt a clear favourite
« Reply #4 on: 15 Jan 2014, 16:31 »
Thanks for the reply  :)

The recovery loss method is something like:

(Normal state) Bet 1 - Initial stake 1€
If Bet1 Win - No recovery loss needed - Go to Bet2
If Bet1 Lost - Recovery loss goes into action (*)

pre-defined values
- how much to recover: 105% (of the stake used in Bet1)
- max liability 3€ (this particular method works with Lays, thats why i have liability instead of simple stake)
- how many "recovery losses" allowed: 3 (it means that it will attemp to recover the stake 3 times only)

(*) In this case, Bet2 will be part of recovery. The goal is to recover 1.05€ (105% of the stake lost) with a maximum liability of 3€. If Bet2 wins, then recovery is disabled and returns to original state (stake 1€). If Bet2 lost, then recovery will do the same thing to Bet3, and Bet4 (only if bet3 lost).

If the recovery fails in all 3 attemps, then bot goes to normal state (stake 1€).

In any 'recovery bet' win, it should verify if all the stake was recovered (max liability limitation can make recovery last more deppending on the lay odds). If yes, go to normal state. If not, then the next bet will be to recover the rest.

The min/max overround is alrealdy working, thanks a lot mcbee !

thanks !

  • Élite
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Re: lay only if there isnt a clear favourite
« Reply #5 on: 15 Jan 2014, 18:17 »
all was ok until i read
In any 'recovery bet' win, it should verify if all the stake was recovered (max liability limitation can make recovery last more deppending on the lay odds). If yes, go to normal state. If not, then the next bet will be to recover the rest.
sorry, but i will need your triggers, to add triggers to record the balance etc, so that the full loss is recovered.
what happens if the full loss is not recovered in 3 recovery bets.

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