Author Topic: Lay the draw with recoup  (Read 11363 times)

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Lay the draw with recoup
« on: 19 Dec 2014, 16:55 »

I don't know if the following could be done but I have to give it a try.

Basic requirements:
- the trigger should work with football games
- it should lay bet the draw if the draw odds are between X and Y
- it should recoup the lost on the next bet if the lost is smaller than A or to recoup on steps multiple of A (Ex. lost is equal to 3A, the recoup on 3 steps each on recouping a fraction of the lost equal with A)

Detailed requirements (I will try to explain them as clear as possible):
- lets say during the day there are 40 football games that have the draw odds between X and Y. These 40 games are not all starting in the same time. Lets say we have 10 games starting at 9:30 AM, 10 games starting at 10AM, 10 games starting 12PM and 10 games at 13:30PM
- If the trigger lay bet the initial amount IA on the 10 games starting at 9:30, automatically it will bet IA on the games starting at 10AM since no loss is settled yet.
- Lets say now that out of 10 9:30 AM games I have 7 winners and 3 losers, and out of 10 10AM games I have 6 winners and 4 losers. At this point the trigger should bet on the 7 of the next 10 12PM games to recoup the 7 previous losers and on 3 games the IA and for the games starting at 13:30 PM to bet the IA since the 12PM games are not finished.

What do you think?
I am doing this manually for now using excel but it requires for me to stay always in front of the PC.

  • Élite
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Re: Lay the draw with recoup
« Reply #1 on: 20 Dec 2014, 17:47 »
i need some more examples for this.
you say recover 7 out of the 10 /12pm, what recovery amount do you use.
bet amount plus the loss amount divided by 7
examples of bet amounts and losses etc, would be better.

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Re: Lay the draw with recoup
« Reply #2 on: 21 Dec 2014, 02:23 »
Let's see if I can make it any clearer :) .
Sorry I have a complicated mind.
To help my case I would like to send you a excel spreadsheet, however, I wanted to be private.

The idea is to lay the draw on a variable number of games that starts at the same time
and ends approximately at the same time.
Once these games are finished an A number of games will be wins and B number of games will be losses.
Initially, each individual loss I wanted to be recoup on an next game that match the conditions.
However, the amount to be recoup have to be up to a certain limit and if it is not, should be recoup using the next 3 or 4 games.

I lay the draw for 10 games that starts at 10AM

3.5     W   10    10.00
3.7     W   10    10.00
4.75     W   10    10.00
4.75     W   10    10.00
4     W   10    10.00
4     W   10    10.00
4     W   10    10.00
3.9     L    10   -31.03
3.75     L   10   -29.43
3.75     L   10   -29.43

and 4 games starts at 12PM
3.5     W   41.03     41.03
3.7     W   39.43     39.43
4.75     L   39.43  -158.21
4.75     W   10         10.00

Now that the lost to recover for a single game is too big I wanted to be split into 3 and recover on the next 4 games that starts at 2:30PM
158.21/3=39.55+10 the profit

3.5        49.55
3.7        49.55
4.75        49.55
4.75        49.55

And so on... if the entire loss is cover .... restart from the beginning.

Let me know if it make sense and let me know how I could send you the excel with a bigger picture.

  • Élite
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Re: Lay the draw with recoup
« Reply #3 on: 22 Dec 2014, 13:54 »
i would need to know the maximum number of markets that you will be betting in.
you have to remember that the trigger needs to flow, so i can set a loss amount to 1 betting block and recover that amount in that betting block.
but if you had say 10 bets in the first session and the 9th and 10th bets were losses, then the next session there are only 7 bets, the 9th and 10th losses cannot be recovered until there are 10 bets in a session.
i can add the losses together and split them between the amount of markets been monitored, but i cannot split them between the qualifying markets because there is no way of knowing how many would qualify unless you have some conditions for me to use and i can delete any market that does not qualify, then split the loss amount between the qualifying markets, or you could wait for the loss in bet 9 and 10 to recover at a later stage.
so at the moment block 1 will recover all bets that block 1 lose and will return to the normal stake, but if there is a large loss then it will be split by your set amount then divided  between the monitored markets.
i am testing it with 4 blocks at the moment and they seem to be working.

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Re: Lay the draw with recoup
« Reply #4 on: 22 Dec 2014, 15:52 »
The max number of markets will be variable.
I will load an initial number of markets that, at the time of the load, are matching the condition of draw odds between 3.3 and 5.
each block will start being monitor 1 min before start and all the markets out of this range should be deleted.
So at the start of each block you should know how many markets match the condition.

I don't know if this answer to your question.

Thank you,

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Re: Lay the draw with recoup
« Reply #5 on: 19 Jan 2015, 19:45 »
I guess that this is not something that can be done since you did not reply to my last post.
 Thank you for your effort anyway.

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Re: Lay the draw with recoup
« Reply #6 on: 25 Jan 2015, 13:39 »
Hi eusebiu,

I'm sorry we couldn't help you with this particular trigger: it does seem its requirements are quite complex and perhaps out of the scope of our service.

I would really like to help you with a different trigger should you need it.

Please feel free to post a new requirement free, here in the same topic.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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  • Élite
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Re: Lay the draw with recoup
« Reply #7 on: 26 Jan 2015, 12:23 »
i have completed 4 blocks for this but you did not answer my question that i need a maximum number of markets to work on, if you still want the trigger then i will do a maximum of 10 for you, so you can load into my markets list 1 to 10 markets per betting period.
so 1 to 10 markets for 10am to 12:00, then 1 to 10 for 12:00 to 14:00 and so on.
if you load more than 10 markets the trigger will only bet on 10 markets that is within  your settings.
it takes a long time testing so i had to stop testing to work on other triggers.
let me know if you still want the trigger up to 10 markets only per betting period.

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Re: Lay the draw with recoup
« Reply #8 on: 26 Jan 2015, 12:43 »
Hello McBee,

Sounds great. I will try with blocks of 10.
I really appreciate the effort.

Thank you,

  • Élite
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Re: Lay the draw with recoup
« Reply #9 on: 27 Jan 2015, 18:46 »
here is your trigger
in the constants you can set
Bet amount to win
Minimum lay price
Maximum lay price
Amount of recovery to large for one bet
Split large recovery by
and a lot of DO NOT ALTER constants

if you place 10 bets and the 8th and 10th are losses, then these will be transferred to block 1 and 2.
so if your next lot of bets are only 4 then the recovery will be in block 1 and 2 only unless the loss is more than your set maximum amount.
if the loss is more than your set amount then the loss will be split by your set amount and the next bets will be the split amount plus your set bet to win amount, if there is another loss it will be added to the total loss and split again, when the loss has been recovered all bets will be as your set amount to win.
if you want to see the loss amount for each block, then open the variable screen and type.
please note it is lower case l
you will see the loss amount as the market is settled , then you will see the loss amounts been moved to a lower block number.
you must make sure that each set of bet times allow for markets to be settled before the next set of markets are due to start.

please use test mode until you are happy with your settings


download the trigger below
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Re: Lay the draw with recoup
« Reply #10 on: 27 Jan 2015, 19:03 »
I will sure tested.
Man, really appreciate the effort.

Thank you very much.

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Re: Lay the draw with recoup
« Reply #11 on: 03 Feb 2015, 17:14 »
I tested and it is working fine.
However, there is a little inconvenience.
The blocks are working in sequence now, Block 2 doesn't start if Block 1 is not done Block 3 waits for Block 2 and so on. 

Manually, I do smaller blocks and the dependency is by end time.
For example:
Block 1 starts at 8:30 AM bet with 0 loss
Block 2 starts at 9:30 AM bet with 0 loss previous Block is still live
Block 3 starts at 10:00 AM bet with 0 loss previous Blocks are still live
Block 4 starts at 11:30 AM bet using Block 1 and 2 loss ignore Block 3 since is still live
Block 5 starts at 12:00 PM bet using the loss from Block 3 ignore the loss from 1 and 2 because was already used and ignore Block 4 since is still live
Block 6 starts at 2:00 PM bet using the the all losses since all the blocks are settled
Block 7 starts at 2:45 PM bet with 0 loss since block 6 is still live and it uses the losses from the other blocks.

I know is crazy and I am OK if it cannot be done.
However, I have to ask you in case you could find a solution.

Thank you

  • Élite
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Re: Lay the draw with recoup
« Reply #12 on: 06 Feb 2015, 11:31 »
the only other way would be for each block to recover it's own losses, but this would mean that if you had 10 bets, the 10th block would have to wait until there were another 10 bets before it could do a recovery.
so if you had 8 bets, then the next lot of bets were only 6 bets, the 7th and 8th losses would have to wait until there were 7 or more bets placed.

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Re: Lay the draw with recoup
« Reply #13 on: 06 Feb 2015, 17:09 »
I would have to see it at work to fully understand what you described.
Please take a look on the attachment so you will also have a better understanding of what I try to get.


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