Author Topic: MFPro+Excel - Referring to columns by sel_index?  (Read 4309 times)

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As pointed out in the helpfile its possible to refer to different excel cells using
MFPro's variables, like:


However, instead of referring to different rows in column D, is it possible to refer
to different colums, at a fixed row (4)? Like:


Thanks in advance, best regards!

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Re: MFPro+Excel - Referring to columns by sel_index?
« Reply #1 on: 16 Jun 2014, 22:18 »
Try this link!/ it may have your answer otherwise search 'sheet'

I am sure you can refer to a different columns

where col is a variable that equals "P" or "AZ" etc
Improvise Adapt Overcome

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Re: MFPro+Excel - Referring to columns by sel_index?
« Reply #2 on: 18 Jun 2014, 16:49 »
Hi, and thanks for taking your time helping me!

I'm afraid there's a misunderstanding about my issue: The problem is that the row-dimension in excel is identified by a numerical number, but the column dimension is identified by an alphabetical letter. Therefore, MFPro/Excel has no problem interpret a numerical value, like "sel_index" to a row variable, and hence assign to the corresponding row-dimension. But how can you assign a numerical value to excel's column dimension: a letter?
Say, I want a MFPro numerical variable to represent "A4" if the variable is "1" and "B4" if the variable is "2" etc. - Can you formulate this to something like:
"cell_querymarket_id_("letter interpretation of numerical variable")4

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Re: MFPro+Excel - Referring to columns by sel_index?
« Reply #3 on: 19 Jun 2014, 00:59 »
There is a way. I recall Oxa helping me with this issue more than a year ago and will check my posts to see if was a forum thread.
Improvise Adapt Overcome


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