Author Topic: limit the number of bets  (Read 16598 times)

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limit the number of bets
« on: 03 Jul 2012, 14:57 »
I wanna limit the number of bets done by my trigger for a good money management. Because when the trigger made tons of lay bets and wanna green them up later it could be that there is not enough money anymore.

So how can I do that?

I only have a very easy trigger block with one trigger for lay betting and one for greening up. Is it possible to only modify the lay trigger or what can I do?

Let's say if I want only 25 bets at the same time and if one is over one new is added.

Sorry for these perhaps easy questions, but I am new.

  • Élite
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Re: limit the number of bets
« Reply #1 on: 03 Jul 2012, 15:59 »
the easiest way is to use a condition that only bets upto 50% of your bank.
and trigger expression uk_funds is equal or greater than uk_balance/2

the other way that i use is to have a variable trigger to count the bets made by the betting trigger
trigger 1 variable trigger name bc 0
one time only
trigger 2 variable name bc  bc+1
and trigger name (name of your lay betting trigger) has been executed

condition for your lay betting trigger
and trigger expression bc-hist_count is less than (the amount of unsettled bet you want to allow)
this will place bets upto your set amount and it will alter as the bets are settled

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  • Tim Vetrov
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Re: limit the number of bets
« Reply #2 on: 03 Jul 2012, 16:12 »
Set the lay trigger execution field to "specific number of times".
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Re: limit the number of bets
« Reply #3 on: 03 Jul 2012, 16:14 »
Thank you!
Is that possible with ... uk_balance/1.5, too?

But if I only set it to a specific number of time, then I have to reactivate the trigger after 10 bets, right?

  • Élite
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Re: limit the number of bets
« Reply #4 on: 03 Jul 2012, 16:59 »
the first option can have what ever you want.
the trigger option will keep adjusting by its self.
as a bet is settled the bet count will decrease.
like this, you place 10 bets, so hist_count will be 0
bc-hist_count=10 (bets)
3 bets get settled all at once
bc-hist_count=7 (unsettled bets)
and so on. as a bet is settled the hist count increases, so your unsettled bets decrease.
so if you set your bc(bet count) to 25 and the limit is reached
bc-hist_count=25, so no more bets placed
1 bet gets settled, hist_count=1
bc-hist_count=24, so the bot will now place 1 bet

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Re: limit the number of bets
« Reply #5 on: 03 Jul 2012, 17:50 »
Sorry for asking that, but I don't really know how to create the second trigger you described (What things I have to write in the different fields)

  • Élite
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Re: limit the number of bets
« Reply #6 on: 03 Jul 2012, 18:29 »
trigger 1
new trigger
set user variable
name bc
value  0
no conditions
set to  one time only
(this is to set the variable to start the day)
trigger 2
set user variable
name bc
value bc+1
and trigger (name of your lay betting trigger) number of runs is greater than 0
once per market

in your lay betting trigger add the condition
and selections trigger expresion  bc-hist_count  is less than 25(the max number of bets you want

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Re: limit the number of bets
« Reply #7 on: 03 Jul 2012, 18:49 »
Thank you thank you thank you!

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Re: limit the number of bets
« Reply #8 on: 04 Jul 2012, 18:33 »
Hi again!
I know have another problem but won't start a new thread.

My greening up bet should be placed 2 mins after a goal and not right after a goal. I tried the "minutes since last suspension", but it didn't work cause there are many matches not going in suspension if a goal is scored. So what can I do?

  • Élite
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Re: limit the number of bets
« Reply #9 on: 04 Jul 2012, 19:04 »
maybe some other members can answer this one better.
but as i see it, you could set a new trigger variable to record the time that the score1 or score1 changes, then have your betting trigger with the condition that the time after the time variable is equal or greater than 2 mins(this has to be calculated).

Tim will be the best one to answer.

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  • Moderator
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Re: limit the number of bets
« Reply #10 on: 04 Jul 2012, 21:47 »
Several ideas:
Price is king - I would set a minimum target price for the greenup trigger to fire. e.g. assuming a back bet, r_ticks(bm_backp, -10) and ask for r_ticks(bm_backp, -15)
or if you want to guarantee a match r_ticks(bm_backp, -5).
You could use a combo of price and what mcbee suggested above.
Another more complex approach would be to correlate prices in another market, which may be more accurate than relying on market_score
e.g. if back_price for 0-0 in correct score is > 500 the first goal has been scored
Also have a look at “Market’s Score Has Changed” as a condition
Finally, there is some material on the forum on how to set a delay by using a counter, or by comparison with now_time or Current Time
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Re: limit the number of bets
« Reply #11 on: 05 Jul 2012, 12:37 »
Thank you for the quick answers. I already tried "markets score has changed", but the problem for me as total newbie is to combine that with a timer (e.g. like mcbee said).

But you thought about that?

If you want to block a back action for 2 seconds, add block to your condition:

and not
   trigger expession (now_time-bu_backtime)*24*60*60 is between 0 and 2
and not
   trigger expession (now_time-bm_backtime)*24*60*60 is between 0 and 2

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Re: limit the number of bets
« Reply #12 on: 05 Jul 2012, 17:25 »
Am I right in thinking you are wanting to delay the greenup for 2 minutes after a goal so the market has settled down? I would always do this based on price, e.g. target price as I mentioned before.

However, counters are very useful, so here is some information that might help you:

Similar to counting your max 25 bets like mcbee suggested earlier in this topic, a universal counter can be simply counting market refreshes. This topic shows how to construct one

To link the counter to your trigger:
IF “market score has changed” set user variable "counter" = 0
assuming you are refreshing at 1sec, condition for greenup trigger is:
greenup IF "counter" => 120

I have not done much with calculations using now_time, so can’t advise you on that, but I think there is plenty on the forum.   
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Re: limit the number of bets
« Reply #13 on: 05 Jul 2012, 18:03 »
Thank you!

I tried a few things the last hours, but didn't work  >:(

Lets say I want a trigger that counts 120 seconds or 40 refreshes (whats more easy) after the score has changed and then start the greening up trigger. What would be the easiest way?

It's really great that you are so interested in answering me, but I think my problem is that I don't know what to do in detail. I know in which way my "triggering" has to go, but not exactly.

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Re: limit the number of bets
« Reply #14 on: 05 Jul 2012, 19:16 »
The attached (untested) should get you started
this will fire your greenup 40 refreshes after market_score changed
If your market refresh is 3secs this will be 2mins
you can adjust it as you want
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