Author Topic: lt_trend and Aus timing  (Read 2425 times)

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lt_trend and Aus timing
« on: 14 Sep 2016, 11:40 »
Hi all

2 questions.Advice appreciated

1. What time period is the lt_trend measured over? Is it the market history depth -how is it calculated?
2. A few parts to this question: In Australia there are no race status flags like in UK horse racing(behind barrier etc) -with the upcoming change in Betfair's (API) presentation of Aus markets via one wallet,1. does anyone know if this will change? 2.If not is there a way to code a trigger to count after time 0 but not after jump? -races are always delayed in Aus. I found one way to deal with this but where races are delayed for a very long time you get into strife. 3. Assuming race status flags are not going to be offered for Aus markets in the short to medium term,are there plans by MFPro developers to provide a condition where ( for e.g.) time since 0 is > x but < x, before jump?
Thanks in advance :)

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Re: lt_trend and Aus timing
« Reply #1 on: 14 Sep 2016, 21:05 »
1. lt_trend is the variable for the last traded price trend line in the chart editor. The time period is as per your chart settings, i.e. last x minutes or last y refreshes and the smoothing parameter.

2.2.  (event_start-now_time)/mf_second will give you a countdown in seconds to the scheduled start, the figure turns negative after the time of the scheduled start.
If you reverse that, (now_time-event_start)/mf_second will give you a minus countdown in seconds to the scheduled start, the figure turns positive after the time of the scheduled start.
for example, you could use a condition like this to limit triggering to a delayed start of no more than 20 seconds:
and selections trigger expression (now_time-event_start)/mf_second is less than 20

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Re: lt_trend and Aus timing
« Reply #2 on: 14 Sep 2016, 22:00 »
Thanks very much for that MarkV.Great stuff


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