Author Topic: [TR] Make me a trigger please  (Read 15842 times)

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[TR] Make me a trigger please
« on: 24 Sep 2017, 18:11 »

Can you please make me a trigger with the following criteria?

All Under's Market to give a back at the odd 1.97 and to green up 15 tick's (or in case of gaps, 15 at least) and a stop loss of 5 ticks or above in case of gaps, and exactly the same with a back at 2.94...

Many thanks in advance

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Re: Make me a trigger please
« Reply #1 on: 26 Sep 2017, 13:26 »

Please complete your request so that we could start working on your triggers. Once you have done this, please post in this topic to confirm you have completed the request.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Make me a trigger please
« Reply #2 on: 26 Sep 2017, 16:03 »

I have completed my request.

Many thanks in advance

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Re: Make me a trigger please
« Reply #3 on: 27 Sep 2017, 10:05 »

Please clarify something about your request.

All Under's Market to give a back at the odd 1.97

Do you want to back on Under x.5 goals in each Over/Under market if the corresponding selection's price is between certain minimum and maximum values?

and exactly the same with a back at 2.94

Do you mean that after backing for the first time and trading out later, you want to place another back bet at a higher price? Do you want to trade it out as well?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Make me a trigger please
« Reply #4 on: 27 Sep 2017, 14:12 »

Please clarify something about your request.

All Under's Market to give a back at the odd 1.97

Do you want to back on Under x.5 goals in each Over/Under market if the corresponding selection's price is between certain minimum and maximum values?

Its to enter on the market when the odd reaches 1.97 (back at this price), after that green up 15 ticks or better or in case of loss, stop loss of 5 ticks or worse, im saying better or worse in case of gaps on the market!

and exactly the same with a back at 2.94

Do you mean that after backing for the first time and trading out later, you want to place another back bet at a higher price? Do you want to trade it out as well?


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Re: Make me a trigger please
« Reply #5 on: 16 Oct 2017, 21:26 »

Please see your triggers attached. Use the constants to adjust the minimum and maximum odds of your first and second bets, as well as the number of ticks for green-up or stop-loss in both cases.

In order for the triggers to work correctly, you will need to load every Over/Under market where you want to trade. Please note that in some Over/Under markets the initial price of Under x.5 is already high, so this means it may place two back bets one after another (after the first bet is traded out).

Make sure you have tested the triggers in Test Mode.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: [TR] Make me a trigger please
« Reply #6 on: 19 Oct 2017, 04:00 »
Hi Oxa,

First of all many thanks for the trigger, if for example i am on the 3.5 under and the result is 1-0 and i entered on back 2.95 odd and the 2-0 happens, the odd will rise lets say to 12.5 , i have skipped the 5 ticks of stop-loss right and it will not assume the loss(only when market closes)? i think the stop-loss isnt working the way i wanted... i want as soon as it passes the 5 ticks to assume loss no mather the odd, but as low as possible...

Many thanks in advance

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Re: [TR] Make me a trigger please
« Reply #7 on: 20 Oct 2017, 06:57 »

The triggers must stop the loss in the circumstances you have described. If it does not place the lay bet, then we need to find out why this is happening.

1. Are you having enough funds in your account to cover the lay bet?
2. Please attach the trigger logs for trigger "distributing loss" in the market where it did not place the stop-loss bet.
3. Please attach the Program Logs for the day when this happened.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: [TR] Make me a trigger please
« Reply #8 on: 25 Oct 2017, 00:46 »
Hi Oxa,

I have notice that the stop-loss is working fine, the problem is the lay stake is not entirely matched, so sometimes i have a entire stake loss and sometimes a big green.

How can i put the entire stake to be matched?

Many thanks for your patiente...

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Re: [TR] Make me a trigger please
« Reply #9 on: 25 Oct 2017, 09:52 »
You can only ensure better chances for your bet to be matched by placing it at a worse price that the current price of the selection. But this means your loss may not be distributed evenly as part of the bet will be matched at a worse price.

You can also choose to automatically match all unmatched bets after X seconds at the best price available. To do this, use the "Stop-Loss Options" in your program Settings.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: [TR] Make me a trigger please
« Reply #10 on: 25 Oct 2017, 18:15 »
Can you please give me an example? im not understanding...

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Re: [TR] Make me a trigger please
« Reply #11 on: 25 Oct 2017, 20:06 »
Suppose, you lay $100 at 2.0. But there are only $50 available at 2.0, and the next price on offer is 2.1. In this case only half of your bet will be matched (and that is the problem as far as I understand), and the other $50 will be left unmatched and eventually voided.

What you can do is to offer the whole bet of $100 at 2.1. In that case $50 will be matched at 2.0 and another $50 will be matched at 2.1. But you will lose the additional 50*0.1 = $5 on this bet because it will be offered at a price worse than the one you intended.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: [TR] Make me a trigger please
« Reply #12 on: 25 Oct 2017, 22:25 »
So what option should i choose on the stop-loss?

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Re: [TR] Make me a trigger please
« Reply #13 on: 31 Oct 2017, 17:14 »
This depends on whether you are prepared to incur the additional loss.

Like I said, the easiest way would be to choose to automatically match all unmatched bets after a certain amount of time, please see "Stop-Loss Options".
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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