Author Topic: many "or-conditions" or one "is in list-condition" ?  (Read 3758 times)

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is it better (why?) to take many "or-conditions" or to take one "is in list-condition" ?

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
Re: many "or-conditions" or one "is in list-condition" ?
« Reply #1 on: 03 May 2013, 10:15 »
i would say is in list.
because for every condition the bot has to check if it is true or false.
so if you had a list of 20 selections the bot would check for the true/false once.
but if you had 20 or conditions, the bot would have to check 20 times for the true/false.
also a list can be done with the note pad or spreadsheet and then copied to the list or the trigger checks the list.csv.
but you would have to alter each condition for a new selection etc.
it's all about time, a list is quicker for you to do and the bot to check.
but ( or ) conditions takes you longer to alter and longer for the bot to check

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Re: many "or-conditions" or one "is in list-condition" ?
« Reply #2 on: 03 May 2013, 10:21 »
very good, clear and logical answer, thank you very much, mcbee.


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