Author Topic: market name does not contain "nov"  (Read 2468 times)

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market name does not contain "nov"
« on: 02 Nov 2020, 16:42 »
Hi, I wanted my trigger to omit races where novices are racing so I used condition market name does not contain "nov".
This was working ok until yesterday. I am not sure but I think the problem is that we are now in November and the date is part of the market name so today's races would have 2nd Nov as part of the title.
I am going to rewrite that condition with the full types, ie "Nov Stks", "Nov Chs". I will see tomorrow if my theory was correct.

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Re: market name does not contain "nov"
« Reply #1 on: 03 Nov 2020, 07:20 »

Just add a space at the end of the text pattern, e.g.

Market's Name does not contain "Nov "
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