Author Topic: Market Refresh  (Read 3197 times)

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Market Refresh
« on: 10 May 2014, 13:39 »
I am running all over/under markets for all matches for data collection, which obviously creates many requests, especially on week-ends, which can lead to MFPro crashing.
Just to make sure I am doing everything to prevent this from happening, please let me know if the following is enough.
I place all bets at HT, so there is a 15 minute window where I can place the bets.
1. Idle refresh rate at 120 sec. This is not really important so can be higher?
2. In play at 48 sec. Because I have a 15 min window at HT, i do not need a low refresh rate. Can this be at say 120 sec and would that help?
3. no logging of triggers
4. Default market history depth 10 min. Not sure what this is but would a lower setting help?
5. I delete all non-relevant over/unders at HT
6. Do finished markets use any data requests?
7. Any other measures I can take?

Much appreciated in advance.

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Re: Market Refresh
« Reply #1 on: 19 May 2014, 12:17 »

First of all, refreshing markets for data collection is an absolute no-no from BetFair's point of view. Your account may be suspended or permanently banned if you keep doing this, i.e. refreshing much more markets than you are betting in.

Having said that, here are my suggestions.

I am running all over/under markets for all matches for data collection, which obviously creates many requests, especially on week-ends, which can lead to MFPro crashing.

It is not the requests that make MF Pro crash, it is most probably the amount of data in its memory - could be hundreds of Mb, so the operating system may be failing to allocate enough memory. Try to imagine refreshing all those markets in Internet Explorer, for instance - it would inevitably crash or freeze.

2. In play at 48 sec. Because I have a 15 min window at HT, i do not need a low refresh rate. Can this be at say 120 sec and would that help?

The less often the refresh, the less data the program has to replace in memory. If you can afford monitoring markets less frequently, do that.

3. no logging of triggers

Good, but some logging will still take place. e.g. program logging.

4. Default market history depth 10 min. Not sure what this is but would a lower setting help?

You need to urgently cut this down to 1-2 mins, or better still to 0.5 mins, if you are not operating trend variables, or pdif_, tdif_ types of variables that return the change of price over the specified time. Market history is the biggest memory eater.

5. I delete all non-relevant over/unders at HT


6. Do finished markets use any data requests?


7. Any other measures I can take?

Not really.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Market Refresh
« Reply #2 on: 25 May 2014, 15:27 »
Your account may be suspended or permanently banned if you keep doing this, i.e. refreshing much more markets than you are betting in.

I didn't know this. But thank you.
Gambling is a lifestyle.


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