Author Topic: Market stays in suspend after finished  (Read 2536 times)

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Market stays in suspend after finished
« on: 19 Jun 2018, 19:08 »

I'm a trying a simple trigger that place a back bet in favorite horse, in pre-live. And wait to the result of this race to make a new bet.
The next bet only can be placed if I know the result of the last race that I place a bet.

But sometimes one race still always suspend ( as you can see in the attached picure), and my bot don't place any further bet until I reset the trigger.

How can I avoid this situation. Let's say's If the last 3 races are finished I can bet again.

Thanks and best regards

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Re: Market stays in suspend after finished
« Reply #1 on: 19 Jun 2018, 19:08 »

You can choose to ignore markets whose number of minutes since the last suspension is greater than X.

So in the standard block of conditions:

Trigger {trigger name} Number of runs is equal to 0 overall
or Previous Triggered Event's Status is Settled

add this condition:

Trigger {trigger name} Number of runs is equal to 0 overall
or Previous Triggered Event's Status is Settled
or Previous Triggered Event's Minutes Since Last Suspension is greater than X
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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