Author Topic: MarketFeeder remember - is it always global?  (Read 2619 times)

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MarketFeeder remember - is it always global?
« on: 01 Jan 2021, 14:25 »
I am using the remember command as below
With this I can get the value of top_1_sel_index
The problem is the the 'top' variable seems to be global.  I want it to be local to the event.  I tried initialising a variable called top as 'individually for each event' with a value of zero but this didn't help.  This is a problem when multiple events are happening at the same time.
Maybe there's an easier way of knowing the index of any selections that have bets eg that have layed on Betfair web site outside of the trigger?

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Re: MarketFeeder remember - is it always global?
« Reply #1 on: 01 Jan 2021, 15:53 »
Add event_id to the remember name: top_event_id
then to address the value: top_event_id_1_sel_index  
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