Author Topic: Martin_Overs  (Read 210202 times)

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Re: Martin_Overs
« Reply #15 on: 23 Aug 2013, 20:08 »
Still testing. Green-up is not correct.
What I am doing is :

no first goal - green up 30 mins or 20%

after a goal - distribute loss in previous market - and when this is matched
lay next market all previous losses plus initial bet

green up as soon as "what if p/l" is greater than all previous losses

I will test some more tomorrow
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Re: Martin_Overs
« Reply #16 on: 23 Aug 2013, 20:56 »
correct me if I'm wrong...
if you stop loss in previous market, you lose another oportunity to get green...

ex: match beggin   
                   0-0              -- 1º lay
                   1-0;0-1        -- 2º lay ... if the game stay like this you win both lay´s, if not
                   2-0;0-2;1-1  -- 3º lay ... if stay with 2 goals you win 2º and 3º lay
.... you just won, one lay if the game has 4 goals.... and yes, lose everything if a 5th goal scored...

i think and like you said, if we choose the restrictively games with some constant in it, we have 2 chances to be winner...

what you think, about it?

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Re: Martin_Overs
« Reply #17 on: 24 Aug 2013, 12:28 »
you are right... i´ve made some improvements, but didn´t sort any efect...

the best it´s like you said before, close the previous market and move on to another.

Thanks again for your help...
 I am very excited about this project hoping you can help me achieve a better future

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Re: Martin_Overs
« Reply #18 on: 24 Aug 2013, 13:23 »
Thanks for your last 2 posts. I have been testing without distribute loss.

Attached are 2 triggers:

1 is OU martingale 1.5 to 4.5 no green-up
2 is OU martingale 1.5 to 4.5 with green-up

Please use test mode to try.
Let me know if you have any problems, or if you want to change anything.

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Re: Martin_Overs
« Reply #19 on: 24 Aug 2013, 13:39 »
you didn´t use the formula "What If" P/L?
I thought it will be very useful for this trigger.

can you explain in more detail what does de green up trigger?
thanks for your time, but want to undersatand a bit more ...  ;)

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Re: Martin_Overs
« Reply #20 on: 24 Aug 2013, 13:55 »
Yes, this is in response to your reply#16 - no stoploss in previous market.

lay 1.5
greenup 30mins or 20%
no further bets

lay 1.5
lay 2.5
greenup 2.5
greenup 1.5
no further bets

lay 1.5
lay 2.5
lay 3.5
lose 1.5
greenup 3.5
greenup 2.5
no further bets


I am working now on your market selection and odds limits.
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Re: Martin_Overs
« Reply #21 on: 24 Aug 2013, 13:59 »
i´m going to test it this afternoon...

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Re: Martin_Overs
« Reply #22 on: 24 Aug 2013, 16:05 »
Hello Mark,
I´ve detected a probable loss... in the previous market if the green up ot´s activated above.

I have to admit that you're right, the only way it´s:
no first goal - green up 30 mins or 20%

after a goal - distribute loss in previous market - and when this is matched
lay next market all previous losses plus initial bet

green up as soon as "what if p/l" is greater than all previous losses

sorry to bother you, but can you improve this??


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Re: Martin_Overs
« Reply #23 on: 24 Aug 2013, 21:04 »
In the last green-up trigger did you try for a lower time or lower % to green-up? When I was testing it looked quite good.

Attached is the distribute loss version which uses “what if” > all previous losses. Testing was OK, but depending on your refresh rate, if there are 2 quick goals it can miss the next lay while it is doing the previous distribute loss. (I have a 45sec refresh rate, so I obviously missed a goal and the trigger stopped.) I think you might also find a problem with big gaps between best back and best lay. The trigger waits until the spread is better value, but sometimes there is always a big spread. Please try it yourself in test mode.

Also attached is a .mfl file for the Market Locator. It goes in:
C:\Users\<username>\MarketFeeder Pro 7\mlocator\
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Re: Martin_Overs
« Reply #24 on: 25 Aug 2013, 11:44 »
Hello Mark,

What does it mean : "ABS(ou0_market_parent_id_1_profit_loss/(1-commission))"

for you waht is the refresh rate live ?

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Re: Martin_Overs
« Reply #25 on: 25 Aug 2013, 12:28 »
"what if p/l" is greater than <all previous losses>
"what if p/l" is hopefully +ve
<all previous losses> is always -ve

so "what if p/l" is always greater than -<all previous losses>  this does not work

ABS(value) returns value without the sign. The absolute value e.g. ABS(-10) = 10
"what if p/l" is greater than ABS(<all previous losses>)   this will work

Normally for goals markets I use 45 second refresh, but for this trigger you will probably need quicker. How quick can 2 goals go in? Try 8-10 secs? You must also remember this trigger relies completely on the market_score. If this is delayed or inaccurate it will mess up the trigger. 

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Re: Martin_Overs
« Reply #26 on: 25 Aug 2013, 15:56 »

test mode
this morning i made 5 games
first 2 games:
lay 1.5- 1st goal -distribut loss
lay 2.5 - no goal - green up
         -- but this green up doesn´t covered the lost in 1.5, or the profit is very low and does not worth the risk
3rd to5th game, another lost but different:
lay 1.5 - 1st goal - distribut loss
lay 2.5 - 2nd goal - distribut loss
and the trigger for lay 3.5 doesn´t fired, don´t no why, but in fact there was small gap between back / lay no more than 6/7 ticks

i´ve chosen the matches between criteria:
under 2.5 <2.1
homme odds <3.5
away odds <4

meaning hat the games supposedly with no more than 4 goals, and teams very equitative.

what do you think we can do about to improve?

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Re: Martin_Overs
« Reply #27 on: 25 Aug 2013, 19:28 »
After 1st goal, all green-ups match exactly "what if p/l" is greater than <all previous losses>
e.g. 12.20 (what if) is greater than 12.00 (losses) it will green-up for 0.20
I will put in another constant for minimum % green-up after 1 goal

I have checked the trigger conditions, and also my trigger logs from last night's testing. I had a few lays go in on O3.5. So it must be the conditions were not met. Can you check your logs? You can try another condition instead of lay book%. For example, you can check the gap between best back and best lay is no more than x ticks, or you can wait 2mins after a goal for the market to settle, but this does not guarantee a good price.
I think the main problem with this as I mentioned earlier is low liquidity. You need to choose markets which have much smaller gaps in the prices. Otherwise if you operate in markets with big gaps, you will need to offer prices to the market in the gap, and that is a new subject.
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Re: Martin_Overs
« Reply #28 on: 26 Aug 2013, 00:35 »
hello Mark,
My logs are ok.
I´ve added another condition to the lay, before last suspension greater than " mf_second*90"
And yes, definitely the low liquidity may be a problem.

To you, what seems to be a good liquidity?

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Re: Martin_Overs
« Reply #29 on: 26 Aug 2013, 13:10 »
To you, what seems to be a good liquidity?
Quite often when a market seems to have good liquidity, the money disappears when a team is attacking, and then comes back again after a goal kick etc. So it is difficult to judge. I would suggest > 5000 on OU2.5 at the start.

I am testing the new green-up after a goal now and will post it later this afternoon.
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