Author Topic: Match Betfair's GBP100 on price files PPMAX PPMIN IPMAX IPMIN  (Read 133663 times)

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Maybe i'm too dumb, but i can't make a formula or trigger to match how betfair settles PPMAX PPMIN IPMAX IPMIN in their promo csv files

I mean this files:

They only "record" prices if payout is at least GBP100
PPMAXMaximum price placed before the off (only bets of a payout of more than GBP100 included)
PPMINMinimum price placed before the off (only bets of a payout of more than GBP100 included)
IPMAXMaximum price placed in-play (only bets of a payout of more than GBP100 included)
IPMINMinimum price placed in-play (only bets of a payout of more than GBP100 included)

How can i make this example trigger?
and selection back_price is between "betfairs IPMAX" and "betfairs IPMIN"?

My account is in Euros, if that's useful

  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3649
Process the Betfair csv file to a tab separated txt file (find and replace) with the data you need starting with selection name. For example:
Selection Name<tab>PPMAX<tab>PPMIN<tab>IPMAX<tab>IPMIN

Use MFP Import Selections procedure 

The data will imported for each selection as: selection name imported_1 imported_2 imported_3 imported_4

How can i make this example trigger?
and selection back_price is between "betfairs IPMAX" and "betfairs IPMIN"

and selections back price is between imported_4 and imported_3


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What i meant is, using selection last_traded_price

I mean, to make a condition like: "selection trigger extression last_traded_price_witch_had_at_least_100gbp_in_volume is greater than 1.01"

In essence, i need to know selection's minimum price with at least 100gbp matched

  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3649
Have a look at this variable

traded_minp_{minvlm}The minimum price at which at least {minvlm} has been matched on this selection.
so: traded_minp_100

for this variable to work, in the settings tick: load traded volume for all prices
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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  • Posts: 16
  • Gender: Male
Awsome! Thank you very much for your support

traded_minp_100 is 100 in my account's currency right? I would have to convert it to gbp punds?

  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3649
traded_minp_100 is 100 in my account's currency right? I would have to convert it to gbp punds?

yes that is correct
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