Author Topic: Advice and Thoughts Please  (Read 2649 times)

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Advice and Thoughts Please
« on: 29 Mar 2018, 05:37 »
While I am not new to wagering, I haven’t been exposed to bots or trigger betting.
I was wondering if users could provide some feedback on if the below is possible with Market Feeder Pro please.  
  • The main concern I have, and the most important point is, I like to bet up where possible.  In all the examples I have seen, they refer to low stakes.  I want to bet as much as I can within the limitations of the market.  As such, the most important part of the process for me is the methodology of the bets being matched.  I need to drip feed amounts into the exchange as intelligently as possible.  If I go too hard, I am only going to drive down the price which will make the bets unprofitable very quick.  For example, to drip feed in an amount to profit say $500 proportional to the price each time until say $3,000 is matched.  Perhaps being first in line but I couldn’t have the amount staying up for any length of time if it wasn’t matched – perhaps more of a fill or kill type strategy (the amount stays first in line for three seconds – if it isn’t first in line, it cancels then submits another bet).  As I say, I haven’t been previously exposed to trigger betting so I am keen to get the feedback of the experts in this area on the forum, firstly, if the above can be done.  Secondly, any other suggestions or thoughts for matching a larger sum of money using a trigger process.
  • Bet on Australian win gallops markets only
  • Load runners (I assume manually), from several selection strategies and the ability to track results separately or at the least, mark the matched bets emanating from the individual selection strategies (so I can later export into Excel and sort from there)
  • Trigger at a certain time before jump
  • Minimum and maximum price stipulations for each selection

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Advice and Thoughts Please
« Reply #1 on: 30 Mar 2018, 13:19 »

Please see my comments below:

For example, to drip feed in an amount to profit say $500 proportional to the price each time until say $3,000 is matched. 

A trigger can post portions of bets each time the price is right, e.g. back $100 at 4.0 -- the price dropped to 3.9 -- wait till it is 4.1 or higher again -- another back $100 at 4.1 and so on. This way it will take longer than, say, matching it all in one go at worse prices, but you will be able to secure the price you need.

Bet on Australian win gallops markets only

It is possible as long as BetFair includes some indication of the racing being "gallops" in its name. Unfortunately, the exchange does not provide this information in the API, so we do not have any data to rely on except the name, i.e. "Hrd" for "hurdles", "Mdn" for "Maiden" etc.

Load runners (I assume manually), from several selection strategies and the ability to track results separately or at the least, mark the matched bets emanating from the individual selection strategies (so I can later export into Excel and sort from there)

Are these strategies involve some kind of a staking plan whereby each next stake is calculated based on the previous one? If so, you can't mix up these strategies, as they may derive the previous results from the bets placed by the other strategy.
If this is something more similar to "back on favourites" and "lay on third favourites", then that's fine.

  • Trigger at a certain time before jump
  • Minimum and maximum price stipulations for each selection

Yes, that's quite possible to do with a trigger.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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