Author Topic: MFP / Excel querying  (Read 2181 times)

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MFP / Excel querying
« on: 05 Apr 2017, 12:36 »

I have started looking at football a lot more, and I hev been using MFP to bet using triggers, and all seems to be going well, BUT, when I run some tests, by selection a lot of matches, I can see that sometimes, the score data is etiher not available, or sometimes, it shows after a few minutes...

I am looking to develop a trigger that will allow me to bet using Assured Soccer Profits, by John Duncan - I have all the details for that, and I have decided on the logic I am going to use, so I am not asking for help on this, BUT, the issue comes because the ASP system uses the strategy which involves betting before kick off, and then later, while in play, reacting to goals scored and taking action based on the scoreline...
So, after the first bet(s) is placed, I am then in the position where I will need access to the score, and usually, I can do this through market_score1 and market_score2...

But, of course, if betfair are not displaying the score, I need to be able to use another way to retrieve scores. I can do this by crawling some other website to get the score of a match, and storing it in an excel sheet, say 'matches'...

Now, if I have a sheet, sheet name 'matches' and I store the "market_name" in column 'A', home score in column 'B' and away score in column 'C', then I may have 20 matches going on at once, and I need to know if MFP can query this sheet, using the following format...

homescore = matches where column 'A' == "market_name"

That is about as syntactically correct as I can do this, as I am not sure how MFP query's a sheet - if indeed it can?

I understand that maybe I can look to use a single cell for homescore and a single cell for awayscore, BUT the problem exists when there are multiple matches on at the same time, and a query is needed to match the criteria...

is my spec possible?

Can MFP query a sheet based on criteria?



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Re: MFP / Excel querying
« Reply #1 on: 08 Apr 2017, 15:51 »

Excel is slow and inefficient for this purpose.

Create a text file in the following format:
["Dnipro v Sevilla"]"The Draw"_1_0
["Karabakh v Inter"]"The Draw"_2_1

The names of matches inside the square brackets must be exactly as on BetFair. Instead of underscores put tab characters. The figures to the right of "The Draw" will be the scores. You will need to update this file either manually or using some application, as the new score arrives.

Then use the "Import selections for auto-trading" feature to do a recurring import of this file every X seconds.

In the triggers simply refer to s_3_imported_1 for home team score and s_3_imported_2 for away team score.

But be aware that the match minute and time of last goal will not be available.

Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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